To make the language camp become organized, everybody had been given a different responsibilities that should be carry on our shoulder before and during the language camp. Basically I'm a bit suprised when I know that I'm in charged group cheer with other 3 members(I never have an experience with this group cheer before.....:-> )
It does make sense when Baie's told me that I should try something new . Yeah, she's true! I really learned something that I never experienced before. Million thanks to our cheer leader, Lenny that never give up in order to make our cheer group become possible. Even at first it a little bit slow, but she managed to handle it. Credits to her!For our cheer group, I bought a ribbons for us to wear during our cheer group performance. I hope you all like the colours. It gonna be some kind like rambu ramba la.....Muahahahahahaha!!!!!! I bet we will look cute on stage with these ribbons.
For other members, who gave a brilliant idea;baizura, hanim, sal, nik,........................(sorry if there's a name that I forgot to type here), you all are so good! I enjoyed working with all of you, girlz.Keep it on, teslians!
Instead of cheer group, I'm also handling first aid group where we are resposible with any injuries during language camp. Basically, we are still waiting for the first aid kit. Hopefully we can get it earlier because we want to look all the medicine stuff and learn how to use it..........Just kidding! Of course I know how to do with it. If you're leg fractured, just give you a panadol. Hahahhahhaahaahha!!!!Scary ha?
During the language camp, me and Jehan will fascilitate the BLACK CAT group. So far we are still searching for song and preparing our black cat's cheer.
Okay, that's all I can reflect regarding my responsibilities. Oh, yes! Before I press SEND button, again, thanks to Baie especially and all committees that involved in delegating the tasks. You put me with someone that I've never worked before. At least, from now onwards, I begin to know each one of them closely. I hope they will feel the same thing as me. Peace..........

My prerogative...........
M.i.M.i.E.y.A.N.a '06

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