Saturday, March 18, 2006

last minute preparations!!!

This last minute thingy was driving us nuts coz there was a lot to prepare...the toughest task was trying to 'Synchonize' our moves for the TPR slot..It was a one hour thingy and there was still a lot to do...Of all person, Me in charge(Bae I know you suggested my name!!)...Lucky for me, I had members who could show me a thing or two..these gals were hot( U gals club??)..Our TPR wasg ona test both the fitness of the participants and their dancing moves haha...We finally came up with suitable songs to match our steps&synchronize our moves..Without these people, I definitely couldnt have made it. So hugs&kisses and a heartfelt thanks to Sue,Dalea,Yana and my bro fahmy(u need to polish that bollywood moves ha..ha)
    Apart form these, I also came out with the safety measures that should be observed at the language camp by the participants and prepared the envelopes for the love letters...

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