Wednesday, January 07, 2004

hey hey.....

what happen ni? bia la sesape pun want to come back and drop a message... what's wrong... at least we can still chat using gameplan besides the whole bunch of assignments+psm... bape kerat sangat la yang still drop by and write here... so appreciate la... how is everyone psm? ok? me, nothing yet... just finish collecting data.. have to transcribe... that's the part i hate the most...okla.... see ya all.. bye!!

Thursday, January 01, 2004

smiley (to kenny)

deary! one more thing! whenever u go into those "fancy-fancy" sites of yours..cud ja plz remember that there are fact...countless other sites you can surf not just that the "first-runner-up-goes-to-" sites....hello.. urgh!!! give me a break!

under study soon to be graduated ahaks!!!!
p/s i am not miss runner up!!!!, i reign

the love haters

wah! wah! kenneth! like the peanuts forgetting his skin. you got an "A" already from this subject and then u go and never come back, and then made a comeback only to lazer people....mebbe u said ur just checking in, but hey! hei! ho! you are already in the weblock...enuf! la! don want to log in....don want to log in need to disturb people huh!
you also comin here wat! why? dont have any place to go ker!!!! hurgh!!! final score...sharil 10 kenny zero. happy new year!