Sunday, August 31, 2003

Good Idea Gina!

As I read through Gina's postings, I am quite impress with her wonderful idea.We can create bigger impact to undergrads in UTM.That is true,but...yes there is a but my dear Gina....I can say that we are still new to this kind of camp.We need supports and encouragements from the people like what we had(HEP,UNIPEN).I think we need to work harder and we might burn our asses(opps..did i wrote that) to get approval,sponsorships and management.Yes, we can manage the program but I think it is best to work the whole thing together.Our obligations were reduced by the UNIPEN and our beloved lecturers; they helped us to deal with people from the "higher place"(is that phrase correct?).But, I really like Gina's idea and I am 100% agree with her. We need to reach out to more people and make it as a fun camp and not a camp where the participants are oblige to attend.Anyway, all I would like to say is that the camp has helped us to learn how to manage and organise big stuff..(apart from TESL Night)
p/ about our TESL Night this year?don't have meh?too bad...

The change of strategy

I just wanna propose a change of strategy in organizing language camp in the future. Many of the participants that came for the language camp never regretted for coming to the camp. Many of them liked the camp and enjoyed the activities in the camp. I was just wondering instead of forcing the people to come to the camp (by sending them letter making it compulsory for them to come), why don't in the future we make the camp a non-compulsory one. We can advertise the camp around campus and open to all utm students to join. We want the people to come with a willing heart, with the desire to learn English. We don't want them to feel compelled to come for the camp. In this way, we will have participants who really want to learn the language right from the first day of the camp and thus we may yield better results. Furthermore, by doing marketing drive to promote language camp in campus, we will be able to establish the reputation of language camp and bring the camp to a professional level.

The difference that makes a difference

I can't help but amazed at our classmates' talents and abilitites demonstrated during the language camp. Our classmates are really a bunch of unique people. And it is the difference in us that makes a difference in the language camp. Believe me, many participants felt that the camp was not like any other ordinary camp, it was different, in fact very different. The difference was not only in terms of the content, but also the way the facis led the whole camp. We have portrayed a very confident and progressive image in the camp. Every faci is outstanding and influential. The participants looked up to us not only because we can speak the language better than them, but also because of our character and attitude. So, Fcis, give yourself a pat on the shoulder! Continue to be an influential person to people around u!!!

The influence of the camp

It was indeed a great experience in the language camp. When we look at the impact we had made on the participants, we should really be proud of ourselves. Some of us bumped into the participants in campus after the camp, we were glad to see they were still 'on fire' to use English in their conversation with friends. Some of them their spirit was still 'lifted high having the desire to learn English. I personnal bumped into one of my group members and she told me she was very motivated to learn English and she tried to use the language whenever there was an opportunity. I believe none of use ever thuoght that the camp would have such a big influence on the lives of the participants, all we know is that we wanted to give our best to this camp, and the results.... are unbelieavable great.

Sekakap!!!(do the thai thingy..)

Hi ya everyone!I can't wait to pour out everything about the camp in Sekakap last week!!It was superb!I would say it was one of the best camp I have been to.Okay, where should I start..he..he..To begin with;there were so many hilarious and so unbelieveable incidents that happen.And all the incidents were sure-real man!! Well, at first I thought the camp would be gloomy and dark as the previous campers managed to convince us with rare incident and paranorm phenomenons..But, as soon as the bus stop(I was fast asleep with Dinie in the bus);it was sunny and so peaceful.And...the rooms was so-next-door..he..he..the girls even complained that they heard some of the boys were snoring all night..he..he..(ACTUALLY GIRLS,all of us snore!!)The program went smoothly and I as the person who in charge of briefing manage to scare the kids about the toilet visit thingy and the jelly fish and wild boars.Wicked!!Anyway, we (the facis) were so mad and the kids love it!!!I was enjoying myself and have the opportunity to work with everyone and those who were so long ago away from me..I really missed the camp and the way we worked things out!It was as if when we were in our first year...we start all over again and be playful with each other.Especially the boys...we have been very "far away" from each other these three years, but the camp has brought us closer like when we were still 1SPL:( I was however, so grateful to go to the last camp and manage to drag a few victims to swim a long with me..including our beloved MR. G.It was so funny because I was the one who warned everybody to stay away from the beach during the first day when I did the the briefing.But, deep in my soul;I was screaming like mad the moment I step down from the bus..It was so serene and cool.So, there we were(me,Affa,Dinie,Syah,Syam) floating around and did some crazy backflips!!It was mad and Mr. G was so attracted with the fun that he somehow forgot that he was actually swimming along with us...I was the culprit behind this and I love it!!!he..he..All the participants are great and the small amount of them made the camp easier to handle.They are all big kids and we do not have to worry about them.All the activities were fun. The best one would be "spot and bomb"..the participants took the chance to scream madly like us.The sand castle was good too,I was one of the judges.It was cool.I felt great..with the ocean breeze and endless photo poses with Farrah my partner..she was as mad as me!!!Illa was so cool and maintained her calmness throughout the camp.Affa, Elle, Sue and Dinie was my favourite bunch to have meal with!They are so chatty and the meal time would be a period for us to gossip.Dihah,Gina,Zati, Eddy,Megat and Izati were so cool and I even saw them on a few occasions comforting and motivating the participants.Way the go guys!Kenneth was so funny with his hat,Uppu Tangeche(caroline) was having fun with her "ale-ale" team..he..he..and Syam was sick because I chaste a curse on him..not!!!He did not sleep the night before we depart to the camp, that is why he is sick.I wonder what he had been up to?Syah and Linda were also great and I had a brief "so-called affair" with Linda..thanx to Affa!!And the most unbelieveable thing when Affa did some sound effect from a distance away.some participants were amazed by his innate ability..and not to mentioned me and Farrah..Farrah laughed until she almost fell from her chair that night..sorry Affa..I told Farrah about it, I can't resist.It was so dead funny.But, I really like you around the camp.You manage to give me smiles and laughters!!!So, I guess the camp may be or may be not if not any better than the prebious camps. But all I can say is, do the best you can and not just hope things will be good but you yourself have to cut the strings and have fun as you work.Don't blame it to the beavers..But, I am proud to say that all the facis in the last camp did not dissappoint themselves as well as others, each one of us have the opportunity to stand in front and still manage to look great at the same time.But, I think the best voice over would be Izati.She sounded great and cool as she talks,don't you think that way guys!Anyway, we were so sad when time flies and it was time to go home..and the worst thing is.. the bus for facis do not have air condition.So, all of them (facis) scrambled to the two buses and leave 7 of us behind with the last bus(me,kent,gina,dihah,megat,pinah and zati were in that bus..thank God the rain stopped and we can open the emergency windows on top of the bus...Everyone was fast asleep throughout the journey.Last but not least, I say the camp has helped us to reflect our true abilities..We learn to see, listen,watch and get along with others as we helped others...I believe we can be the best English teachers around!!!!ok,chow da mow!!!

more tragic than a titanic, older than dinasours and more complicate than a pokemon!!! (lang camp entry, for sure)

i have made a comeback! first of all, i wanna give all the love in the world to Kenneth for his kind words to me. dude, now, i feel much much better. if one day, i made it to be the most kind-hearted person in the world, then the first lesson i learnt was coming from you! :P. i guess, my last posting was so full with emotions. enough for that heart breaking heart talk! for this time, i would like to talk about positive side of things that i have done in the Sekakap Camp A. I was in-charged of becoming MC for the presentation slot. well, as a whole, it was a smooth flow of an event. it is safe to say that i have done my job well even though i was dead-nervous at the fisrt place due to some problems that almost let me down. DId i appear spontanoues on the stage guys? well, thanx for all the hidden nervous symptoms and a script that i never let go in my hand. he he he! just trying my best to imitate RYAN SEA CREST! :P. guys, i am telling u, i have this great passion on being on stage, a little bit of an exhibitionist i am, my cup of tea too. so, that's all about it. i was the MC yeaaaaa!!!!!

ouh yeah, almost forgot, this is the most crucial detail to be enclosed here, i was performing during the talent night! an unchained melody was on air! want to get a big shout....yeaaahhh!. i hope i didnt make a fool out of myself, or what you call it "syok sendiri". so how many stars you would like to give me?
i ever thought of it that if i would want to venture in this teaching profession, i would go along the music line, a music teacher!!!!!!!plus an English teacher of course. but, it sort of a dream that will never be realized. is it 100 words already? or it should be 50, isnt? nobody like to hear people so indulgingly talking about himself. well as for all of you guys, i know we are all fun-loving people. so much of a hillarious, over-acting (Ups!), loud, hot, spontaneous, going physical, out-of-the-ordinary attitude, sweet and big mouth (mebbe some of the characteristics dont apply) when we are all getting together and u know what? we could just bringing down the house. we are a great group of people. who could disagree with we on this? we are brilliant, fabulos (not fabuloso, the detergent) and last but not least, charming. we are so complicate than a pokemon. The camp was so memorable to me. The day i realize the true capability of me. dont dare to say that i dont want to go to the camp anymore. sign me up for the first person!!!! i just looove all of u guys.



finally we come to the 2nd last class for our beloved subject-language games in the classroom ( i somehow can't recall the code!) we'll only have one last class during the last study week...personally... i really enjoy taking this subject with all of u guys...what actually that i want to say here? (diyah is wondering! he..he..)

seems like everybody been talking/discussing about the post mortem, so i think enough for me to write about the camps post mortem, right? we are fortunate enough for having opportunities to develop our own abilities b4 we going out as a teacher...yeah, we have 2 times for practical session, but in my opinion that still not enough..we need to expose ourselves to the various environment of language learning...for the facis that have gone through a lot of LC..we can feel the difference, i mean when we facilitate school children, it is different compared when u facilitate those people in their first year- just imagine they are all about our age..

being a faci for school children, physically you really exhausted...u need to conduct the kids for almost every single things+time..u need to create their on and so forth..

but as for u students..let me recall my first expereince handling this U started when JKM KTC invited some of us to be the facis for their English Survival tell the truth i really scared and i feel like i was not prepared enough to be their faci! just imagine i brought along my thick-mcmillan dictionary along with me at that time just to be prepared and i can be their "reliable source" (in my opinion)..thanks god, that the camp has really made a good impression for me of handling U students and at other side it open my small eyes to the bigger view..i mean, they are different from these school children..they can cope with the things that we taught in just a short time..that's what i love about handling U students ( but still, it not happens to all of the partcipants!)

and as 4 my situation, i considered myself to be lucky because i have the chance to be with these two different groups..thanks a lot to our lecturers, seniors and most important to all of u guys..without your support i don't think that i manage to conduct the "Simon Says" session+Sand Castle..i am too afraid to talk in front of the crowd..i'm shaking at that time if some of u realize.

just wanna ask u guys 1 question : don't we have any final year programme for our beloved course?

see ya!

Sun: 1525: it was fun

hi there people! basically i think i want to share something with all you people. it's about the dedication towards the camp. i believe that each and everyone of us did enjoy the camp very much yp to the maximum. the most importantly was the dedication that we all poured into the camp. i personally believe that without the dedication, the camp will not be a successful one. even if it wwas to be a successful one without dedication, the whole camp would be an enjoyable one. therefore, i have seen all the hard work into a whole enjoyable and exciting camp. i believe that to be successful eachers, we need to be dedicated too. all the best in your future undertakings, guys!!

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Sat: 2355: the camp was cool

hi there people. finally i think i have some space to write something about our most experiencial camp. the camp was very, very cool. i seriously learny a lot from the camp. for, example, i really agree now with the proverb that sounds something like 'you will know a person better while play rather than a year's conversation.' basically, in my humble opinion, i think co-operation is main key point here. without co-operation, nothing can ever be achieved. i believe that everyone who have gone for the camp do agree with me especially at this major point. thanks to everyone especially to those who actively engaged in the last camp. it was all fun, fun and fun. bravo!!


I didn't know you felt that way syaharil! I am really sorry! I think you were great at Kaizen and too bad i did not have the honour to work with you at sekakap...but let me say something if i are a great person!!! you are! and i am not saying it because i felt sorry about what happened to a friend i honestly felt that you had overcame many obstacles and that you are more mature than most people i never stike me as have the Charisma and the charm to ease your way through many thigs...dont let setback like these to ruin you hope and visison and most of all your pride...hold it up high and be proud of who you are...coz brother, if they got problem with you...they can kiss your attitude goodbye! Actually i like the assertiveness "thingy" be politically correct...being in command without imposing and a pain in the "you-know-where!"...that is how i see it...hehehehe...let you out on a cant be a good teacher without "assertiveness"...the students are gonna walk all over you!

Friday, August 29, 2003

Another day in paradise!

well! that sounds appealing, isn't it? well, an entry about the language camp? goes. i would like to talk about the last class on what are the qualities that facie should possess? before that, thank you very much for putting my suggestion to be among the unpopular trait! Actually, what i mean by being assertive is not the one like stern, strict, hot-tempered, fuming mad or something. In bahasa we call it "berpendirian teguh". you are holding on firmly on what you think is true. You being assertive until nobody can shake you. i say assertive because that was what happened to me in the Sekakap camp A. because of a lot of uncertainties i was trapped in an insecure condition that i hardly make an appropriate decision that ended up showing my ineffciency and what i call it as poor,pity and sooo...unprofessional! I was not better but a weak and vulnerable than a weak and vulnerable jelly fish stranded that you can find on the sea-shore. I was in-charge of the Sembahyang and imam for the camp which i assertively say i was succesfully proved that i failed to fulfill my obligation. :P. You see i was not the leader of the prayer and it would be your wonderful dream to see the participants pray together in the mosque. Don't you think there's something wrong there. well you dont have to look very far. it's me i was in the limelight!!!!!

i was trying to get an attention like a small kid to get a chance to voice my position during the camp, during the post-mortem and during the last class. but you see, the constant failure hit me like the raging waves on the sekakap beach. The positive side of me had been striked by the thunder to death! To tell you the truth, going to the camp had plunged me to the sea of my weaknesses, i was nearly drown. but thank god, my supportive friend were there, i could always reach them for a lifesaver! (since i was deeply trenched in this sad moment, i have created a story for this, i'll post it later! :P). well. i have to thank god for it, at least, now i can confidently tell what i am good at, when i will become weak and vulnerable than a weak and a vulnerbale jellyfish you can find on the sea-shore (sorry, mr. jellyfish-this is just an analogy). Assertive is the word here, being assertive means having a confidence and faith to stand on what you believe is good and true for you. My story about going to the language camp is not lcompletely ike a fairy tale but it is still sort of ending in quite happy condition. but that's a whole different story. i'll post it later. mmmmuuuaaaahhhhhh!

Thursday, August 28, 2003

5 Post (4. Post Mortem)

All the post mortem has been done. I think if we have future camps we can make it more better than the previous one. Everyone spoke about the positive and negatives things that we've made. One thing for sure is that we still have the traditional culture attitude where if we don't like the persons attitude we just keep it in our heart and then we start to talk behind the person's back. Every post mortem during or after the camp was nice. We gathered around and talked about how can we improve the camp for the next day or for the future camp. We can see that there is an improvement for each camp. Good job everyone! and thanks for the feedbacks from the HEP, UNIPEN, Mr. Ghazali, Cik Fatimah, Mr. Faruk and Dr. Norazman. Thanks a lot to you guys too! :)

Kem Kaizen & Sekakap, which one is better?

Good day to all of the readers...

I just want to ask for your opinions on the camp that we organized in Kaizen and Sekakap... Which one do you think better? As for me, I think that the participants of Kaizen are more energetic and eager to participate in all the activities. However, Sekakap is a nice place ~ the foods, the air-cond rooms and the beach... If not because of the jellyfish, I will 'wible-wable' in the sea and ignore the participants... hehehehehe... I am truly blessed because I was given a chance to actually join Language Camps. Before this, I thought that there's nothing interesting on joining such camp. However, through the experiences that I had gained, it's a satisfaction actually to see the participants are brave enough to speak in English... What do you guys feel?
Ok... That's all for now... I want to continue doing my CALL assignment...

P/S ~ Thank you Daniel for letting me to use your PC :-)

Attention! Kekekekekeke!

Heee! Hi! PSM is due 2nd of Sept, so how? Ok? As for me i'm still hanging on thanks to Pn Norzarina who has been really supportive and patient, so i hope i don't disappoint her! Regarding the post-mortem the other day...i must say i was very satisfied! There was no pointing of fingers and the discussion flowed openly and positively...i think most of us would agree that as compared to Kaizen, we were not that stressed out and did our job in a very flexiable manner while at Kaizen we we expected to conform to certain rules and criticism and being brought into late at night we were very not saying its bad but it could have been done in a better way like how we did in class as oppose to poniting fingers to particular faci...lastly i would like to say, should we like to make comments on others and troubled ourselves with other peoples' resposiblities maybe we should look at ourselves first...thats is by far the best lesson i had learned..."others may reflect us just as we reflect others'...get it? and lastly..."respect earned is sweeter than respect demanded!"...hehehe! Cheers! and hip hip hoooray!!!!!!

Sekakap In Memories...

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all of you...

First of all, congratulations to all the facis for Camp A and Camp B. You guys had gone a good job in motivating the students. Let us focus on the positive side of the camp, not only the negative ones... OK? Actually, I'm crying right now, alone, in front of Kenneth's computer... Suddenly, my mind recalled on the day we had our Talent Night. We were actually having a great time together with the participants ~ singing with them...

I think that Language Camp has actually make us closer together. We laugh at each others' face, share problems and managed to overcome the problems together... I'll cherish the memories...

Congratulations to Nate for being such a great director... COOL! To Nonie, thanks for being a motivating partner and faci for Melody Mockers... To Shued, Daniel, Abang Shah, Kak Linda, NoZ, Tinie, Adam, Papa Kama, Syaril, Syarul, Amiruel, Evette and Wille, raise your left hand, put it on your right shoulder, pat a few times and say ~ GOOOOD JOOOOB....!

BYe for now... Have a nice day!

4th Posting - Splendid Camp!!!

Dear readers,

Hello everyone! Hopefully you're good 'ya. For this time, I would like to talk about the last camp that I went to. Last camp for this semester, I guess... English Language Camp in Sekakap, Mersing. To all facilitators and participants who were there from 22 August 2003 till 24 August 2003, thank you very much for the unforgettable memories and to all my fellow faciliators, I believe we have done a good job, guys. To the director, Miss Nor Adila thanks a lot for the patience of putting up with us. I believe you did a wonderful job as the director. You were a good one too and it has been my pleasure working with you.

To start with, we arrived at Sekakap in the afternoon and the registration in the evening went on smoothly. However, we had only about 70 participants all together. During the night, we had a briefing session by Damien who was doing a very good job for as a first-time facilitator. After that, we had the ice-breaking session whereby we played a simple but enjoyable game called Merry Go Round or some of us called it Merry Go Brown. During that first night, 8 more participants arrived at the camp. After that, participants were asked to come out with their own group cheer and they also presented the cheer. After going through the night, I have come to one conclusion about the participants, they were quite good with the language.

On the next day, I was incharged of conducting the activity for the morning where we played three games, Add One More, Snap and Alphabet Game. As for my group, Elle and I managed to play all games with the participants. After that, we did the action plan and in the afternoon, we played another three games, Charade, Win, Lose or Draw and Bingo. The participants in my group, HAVOC gave good responds and comments about all the games that we had played. During the evening, it was raining heavily. However, we managed to play Spot and Bomb and Simon Says and later, when the rain has stopped, they had the Sand Castle building competition which the group TWINKLE, had won. At night, we had played Build A Tower and after the barbeque, we had the Talent Night. In overall, I would say that all activities on second day went on smoothly without any big problems.

On the last day, we had the Treasure Hunt, which I had to be at the 9th check point. The participants had to go through 10 obstacle courses with the last check point located by the beach. There was no serious injury during the treasure hunt and participants seemed to enjoy themselves. I also noticed all groups' cooperation during the treasure hunt and how they were being so supportive to each other. It was something wonderful to be able to see that. Later on, they had the drama presentation and the last event was the closing and prize giving ceremony.

As a conclusion, I believe that the previous camp in Sekakap was very splendid, wonderful and exciting. Maybe it's beause of the location itself, which is by the beach and provides a very good environment for the participants to learn and practice using the language. Several participants did say that they could also release their tension going to the camp because of the nice, peaceful and serene environment there. Before I end this, I would like to express my gratitude to all the lecturers who have always been there to guide and support us. To Mr. G, Miss Fatimah, Dr. Norazaman and Mr. Faruk, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for everything. We really appreciate everything that you have done for us. To my fellow TESLIANS, we could work really well with each other when we have that toleration and cooperation which undoubtedly, are the most important ingredient to make every organization works effectively. Till then, thanks again everyone and it's me Madihah, signing off. Bye!!!


Our last post mortem was about 'facilitator should be...'. emmm..for me what we had listed on the whiteboard all can be accepted. all of us have at least one from the list. all people cannot have same category. it is nature that each person has their own 'bonus'. where we can see some of us are loud, some are sporting or flexible and so on. with this kind of combination our life becomes more meaningful and colourful. when each of us has different 'bonus' so each of us play a different role. we have our own role where it come from inside of ourself. which these different roles among us, we try to combine it and become a colourful teslian.
then we tried to colour the camps with our own colour and combine it and all the participants really enjoyed 'the colour' that we made for them. as a result, we were able to throw away the participants negative thought about english language camp.


a'kum n hi...
congratulation because we had conduct both camps successfully!!
all of us had done really a hard and good job since the first camp. all of us managed to create a good games that can be played for the camps. all of us also had tried our best to changed any weaknesses in a few of the games to make it more fun and interesting.
we had attend camp A and camp B meetings. all of us also had attend workshops for both camps. thank you for ken because willing to buy 'nasi ayam' and drinks for us whether it was not enough. i and zati had to share one 'nasi ayam' and a tea. we don't mind because the 'nasi ayam' was enough for our stomatch.hi,hi.
it also fun doing workshop at nate's house. we managed to finish making snap and alphabet materials in just a few hours. thanks to mr.g because willing to come to nate's house and brought us some food and drink.nyum,nyum
all of us had tried our best to become a good faci during the camp. whether i'm the quiet one among us, i was also tried my best to contribute some 'energy' for the meeting, workshop and camp. it is because i know i lack of contributing 'voice' among us. i just prefer to be silent and listen but that doesn't mean i do not do any work.
ok guy, this camp is my first camp and it is really fun to have you all around as facilitators. all of you a good faci!!bye,bye

Entry 4: Post mortem

what did we discuss on class during post mortem session?Oh,yeah.......about what a faci should be, right? the post mortem actually opened my eyes, you see, because then I realized that all of us have that "faci" deep in our heart, it's just a matter of realizing it or denying the plain fact.

I believe that qualities such as motivating, punctual, responsible, flexible are all in us, whether we are already there or just begin to act like one. however, it's kinda hard for me to be daring, loud and not to mention but i'm going to mention it anyway, assertive. i don't mean to say that i can't accept daring, loud and assertive facis, but i want to be a faci that i could be. oooh....does this confuse you? ok, let's see....i'm quiet, i like to listen what people say, i talk when i should talk, doesn't mean i don't have anything on mind, right? so when i became a faci, i tried to motivate people which required me to talk for most of the time, a thing that i am usually not involved in.

sometimes, i wonder why can't i be daring, loud?'s not my nature. hey hey...i'm not giving lame excuse but you see, some people are born loud while others are not..not..not so loud hehehe so when we work together a balancing act exists here. imagine what will happen if everybody is loud? the camp would be loud of course, but we need to calm ourselves. remember, differences are strength. well i hope nobody will feel offended by my opinion, i just want to share my thought okay?chow!!


i really like the amazing race especially checkpoint 6.hi,hi. during the amazing race, one of the groups had a little bit fight or they argue with themselves. they blamed each other. i had to calm them down. it was between malay girl and guy. i was very worried that they might fight until the end of the camp. then a few of the groups forgot to do checkpoint 9 because it a little bit far away from the others. it was including my group. they forgot to go to checkpoint 9!
aaa...i forgot to thanks again to sham. if not you was not sick, i will never have an opportunity to try to conduct the group by myself. also to ila, thank you for coming and play charade with us.


look like everybody satisfed with all the camps that we have...congratulations to everybody..especially o our beloved lecturers; mr.g, miss fatimah, en. faruk and dr. norazman..thank you very much

for my faci mate-zati i really impressed by the way u conduct all the twinkle members...the way you treat azwan especially.. i really impressed by the way u conduct the thing that went on smoothly as we knew that our group is very quiet.. i mean, personally if in my case, i won't pay extra attention to those particular partcipants..the true fact about me..

ok, i have to stop now.. i really sad becoz i wrote in this gameplan yesterday but today when i chec it, it didn't appear in our gameplan..maybe because of the server..see ya guys..

Tuesday, August 26, 2003


Sekakap!! Amazing, that's all I can said about ELC in Mersing. The participants were tremendously great and credits should be given to all dedicated lecturers and 'energetic' facilitators. I personally think that Camp B team has given me a whole new experience and memories that I will surely treasure my whole life. Everything went fine for the last camp although the weather on the last day was bad.I would like to take this opportunity to thank Adila, our director who has been very dedicated and supportive throughout the three days there and thanks a lot coz helping me with the material. The last camp has teach me on how to be a good facilitator and teacher since I was handling my group alone with the help of Kak Linda as the floating faci. I was also very delighted because my GET group has won the first place for Amazing Race. Seeing them changing from the first day till last was a very memorable experience for me. Although on the first day they were quite passive, they kept making progress and until last, gain their confidence and build positive attitude towards English language. I would also like to thank TEAM B mates Kenneth, Diyah, Dihah, Zati, Megat, Pinah, Sham, Carol, Gina, Suhaila, Farrah, Mien, Elle, Affa, Eddy for the team work that all of us have shown. Not forgetting Abg Shah and Kak Linda who have helped me a lot. I'm really sorry coz I've been crying on the second nite. It was because out of a sudden, Sekakap made me miss my mum and dad and Port Dickson beach too. So don't blame me for I have joined the 'swimming-in-the-sea' activity on the last day. I just missed Port Dickson beach a lot and can't resist the temptation to swim in the sea there. Anyway, Sekakap is really beautiful and I hope that one day, all of us can go camping and enjoy ourselves there together. To Sham, regarding the loud sound effect made by Affa, what I can say is 'only God knows why' and you don't la kecoh-kecoh...


the post mortem went fine. we discussed a lot of good and bad things during class last week. I managed to contribute my effort in the post mortem and i think all of the fasilitators done a very nice job. I beleived post mortem really opened my eyes and see things through the glass of other perspectives. The things discussed were centred around the effectiveness and efficiency of the camp itself and our motivation as guidance. I believed right after the p-mortem we could organize better camp and always strive for the best since there will be and still are participants who enjoy and want to go again. P-mortem also makes me realize what are the postitive effects and drawbacks. No negativity i guess. Some of the classmates only argued alot but i feel all of the argument are useless and not worth to tell. Maybe only to heat things up but i disagree with some of the arguments. Well,i think the camp for my own reflection of practicing myself in fabricating my skill in socialization and intelligence. I thank you for the participants and thier feedbacks -they really keep me moving on these days, these feedbacks are my second breath. P-mortem also let me know whether someone can argue or not and i hope i well argued that time although i did not want to protrudingly projecting myself popularly by arguing matters. Well done to everyone and i hope i had the best.

As for future camp, i hope Mr. G can have better success and effective outcome. The products are what matters. Experience and experimental procedure would comes next. Future camp should be done at same place at destination of friendly environment and naturally fresh. Camp A and B were examples. I like the Camp A since I worked there and the future camp should be as better as this but perhaps more. Future camp also should have more days at least 4 to 5 just to ensure everyone have the feeling and sufficient amount of time to play and get to know oneself. I had matured by my camp and i know alot of the products to =Proud products. I thank them for leting me in their lives and letting me touched thier motivation and spirit. Future camp should be done with a good manual as this year camps and with the best preparation too. I beleived i dont have much commad at the camp but it was nothing to argue-very worthless because thinking about the future camp i believed i can think of something promising. More confidence within the products-yes. The future camp would be great with more games to play to and more exciting adventure such as orienteerring, flying fox and enduring the obstacles course more-sounds stupid huh? well maybe but i dont wanna argue more. The future camp would be great too with more popular songs as to heat up the atmosphere. Well thats all. bye.

Special dedicate for all 4th year teslian 2003!


In this world things come and go,
And we can't know what the future may hold.
Nothing really stays the same,
And when we least expect it our lives are changed.

Hottest Searches

1. Norton Antivirus

2. Hair Care

3. Fantasy Football

4. Flights

5. Winsor Pilates

1. Coastal Calm
2. Flowgo Baby
3. Floral Extravaganza
4. Fairy Wonderland
5. Groovin' Granny
Click A Cursor Below!
1. Butterfly
2. Flying Cherub
3. Holy Cross
1. FlowGo
2. GameRival
3. PerfectGreetings
4. BigFatBaby
5. SmilePop

Forever In My Heart

In this world things come and go,
And we can't know what the future may hold.
Nothing really stays the same,
And when we least expect it our lives are changed.

If something ever changes
And we happen to lose touch
Please know that I'll always think of you
And miss you very much.

special dedicate to all of you..fourth year teslian.....2003....


In this world things come and go,
And we can't know what the future may hold.
Nothing really stays the same,
And when we least expect it our lives are changed.

If something ever changes
And we happen to lose touch
Please know that I'll always think of you
And miss you very much.

So before the world changes
I just wanted to say
I'm thankful that we're friends
Yesterday and today.

With time and fortune on our side
I hope we never part
But if we do, remember you
Are forever in my heart!


we're back!!

hi guys! look like all of us have successfully finish our mission for this subject-language game. i believe that this is the most enjoyable subjecy among all our TESL subjects, agree? but, at pne point, i'm kind of sad because this has bring to most of us as the "final language camp", unless, we have the invitation for certain occasions-ESURCA is one of the example..what do you guys feel? throughout the camp, yeah, we knew our friends better, right? like what je played during the class..the important criteria for a faci for this language camp is being MOTIVATING...seems like all of us have the criteria of being a motivating faci during the camps...congratulations to all of us! (didn't it sound like masuk bakul angkat sendiri?) he..he..he...:)

ok, i really have to stop now..ok luckly the server for the internet now has ok...and f.y.i.i'm now using pc at psz...
ok guys...chau chin chau...

keep up the spirit of LC alive!!!

Are you a Carrot, an Egg or Coffee Bean?

By Author Unknown (Our thanks to Claire for submitting)

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life, and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it, and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first pot, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs and the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they got soft. She then asked her to take the egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, she asked her to smell and sip the coffee. The daughter smiled, as she smelled and tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, "What's the point, mother?"

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity- boiling water-but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When trials and adversity knock on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Think of this: Which am I?

Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a passive heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside, am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

Or, am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you become better and change the situation around you.

When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another level?

How do you handle adversity?
Like the CARROT, the EGG, OR the COFFEE BEAN

Like This Article so I hope you will enjoy it too!


hi people...
sekakap is really a nice place espacially the beach. i'm also like the bedroom especially the pillow. really tired after came back from the camp.
i want to apologize about the talent nite.actually i'm not angry on that time.most of the participants do not focus me and they just ignore me so i try to raise my voice. i'm not angry at all.but i admit the voice sound like i'm angry with my serious face.also on the same time my kidney is pain.i just raise my voice so all the participants can notice my insistent in front of them.but i'm really sorry if i screw up your excitement that nite.
i also gain a lot of experienced from you guys as a fasi especially from sham. sham u had taught me a lot.THANKS.i don't feel anything with the word 'me'.don't worry.and i know i didn't do really a good job as a fasi on that time.
ah..also to DIHAH.dihah thank you coz u grab me on time (fuhh..lega..) during d amazing race(yg gayut-gayut 2).i was so nervous n i thought i'm going to fall onto that dirty water.thank you dihah..!only God knews what i felt that time.i could not imagine what will happen if i fall into that thing.eee..of course no one will stand near me.
but, the camp was really fun!if my mom know that i laughed like lupa dunia she going to kill me.she always wants her daughter behave like a fine lady but sometime i can't.hi,hi.
ok guys..thanks.

First time a faci: AWESOME!!!!!

sekakap was and is great. i can't believe myself being a faci for the first time. first and foremost, my deepest thanx goes to all the gila-giler facis: the director Ila, dihah, mien,ken,dini, diyah (twinkle faci), megat,shah,sue, kak linda,pinah,sham,uppu, farah,gina,eddy,affa and not forgetting my amazing race partner, elle. did i miss anyone? i really enjoyed my job as a faci although i got the passive ones, it somehow thought me that challenges are everywhere and they are to be tackled wisely. so i did my best to persuade them to be active and of course don't be shy if they want to learn something new. at first,i thought the boys in my group might be thinking that i'm this "gedik-gedik" type of girl because i was trying really hard to convince them, dancing, singing, making slumber jokes to make them feel confortable. but i guess after that things were not so bad after all.....they participate although in a very quiet mode compared to the other group, not havoc lah, they were extremely shy people until the last day. as to other things i like the food very nice, the bedroom was fine (woke up at 5a.m feeling like a freezed chicken wing since i'm so skinny hahaha) but most of all i love the sea breeze, refreshing at all times....i wish we could take some more time to take a long walk along the sea shore, eh... why suddenly sounds romantic? apart from that, being an emcee for the first time was scary, but i enjoyed the spotlight anyway, thanx to mr.g and specially to miss fatimah for helping me during those critical moments by convincing me that i can do it and supporting me all the way. in short my first experience is really rewarding to me and yes, this is going to be good to be remembered by all of us.

Virus alertss!!

Hello to all TESLians!!!! anywhere its been a very long time since i've written anything on this blog BECAUSE of very damned virus attack from d net!!! blaster32 i think its called so had 2 reformat my comp... been off line every since i came back from d camp last week.... 2 all those who have Windows XP/2000/NT bware because it would most likely attack your PC's system shutdown menu.... from what i've read it will crash your system if u dont deal with it soon. symtoms occurs when ever you are online... it automatically shuts down ur PC... after dat some programs cannot work like your norton, find and ets... so the best way is to install a FIREWALL into your comp fast, at least prevention is better than cure... (FIREWALL is a security system designed for blocking unwanted internet uploading or downloading into your comp from any invisible programs like Blaster32) SO get 1 fast ASAP!! this is a warning brought to you by Evette hehe... hey its really true ok... so with all the PSM n assignments coming its better to be safe. this virus would be continuing its attack until the end of this year... so if ur comp hasnt been infected better do it quick because it will just randomly select any TPF address that means any comp that is online!

Anywhere to a more enlightening news..... heard dat d previous camp was Great! plus from all the comments that were posted... well i see we have lots of ducks swimming around d 2 camps already... 3 cheers 2 nuri 4 being or very own mother of all ducks in d Camp A!!! hip, Hip Hurrah!! :) Nah just kidding nuri... anywhere the students really loved d duck song... it really motivates people n letting them have great fun laughing at themselves and also others antics hehehe..... well 1 big happy laughing family right! Hey i really enjoyed a great time at d Camp... well hope we'll be able to do it again next semester... Can we Mr. G?? hehehe.... anywhere all da best to all the people who are handing in their PSMs this week hope you will do it well....all the BEST and God Bless you all!!!!

Monday, August 25, 2003

SEKAKAP (read it the way the Thai greet people)

Hi everyone!! At last, we're back. What an experience, what a camp and what a view... I enjoyed this camp sooo much that I couldn't resist the temptation of the beach. And for that I have become the ducks of the camp (joined by Damien (who started out the idea), Dinie, Affa and Abang Syah. Not to forget, the oldest duck of all, Mr. G) Quack..quack..quack.. Before I forget, I would like to say sorry to everyone for my absence on the second day games. I had a terrible headache. Anyway, it's great to see some of the best facis in this camp. Like I mentioned to some of you, if there's such thing as All Star Language Camp Facis, I won't hesitate to vote for this one. Apart from that, it's good to work with some of the new faces. At least, by this camp I know good they are. My salute goes to Illa, who handled this camp so well. Without your leadership I don't think we could have such a 'smooth going' language camp. Then, Kenneth, our respected Camp Comander. I almost pissed in my pants (can I write that over here?) when I saw that look on his face that morning when he scolded the participants. (Too bad, he jumped around and sang something just a second later) Hehe.. Then to Abang Syah, Kak Linda, Megat, Dinie, Damien, Farrah, Diyah, Gina, Caroline, and Dihah, without you, this camp wouldn't be this great. I told you one, I told you a million times I really enjoy working with all of you. Eddy, Elle, Affa, Sue, Zati and my partner Pinah (thank God she chose me and not Megat); it's an honour to team up with you and learn something new together. Last but not least, thanks to averyone who helped me for the Amazing Race. IOU. What else...emm..perhaps that's all for now. Sekakap is truly something not to be forgotten. Thanks for the memories...

P/S: We shouldn't forget to thank Affa for that loud 'sound effect' during the Build the Tower Game. Haha...

5 Post (3. Preparation)

The preparation for both camp was very fun and exciting. We made all the materials by ourselves and aside from that we had joy we had fun we had Mr. Ghazali with us too. He's really supportive and that includes Mr. Faruk, Cik Fatimah, Dr. Norazman. They rock the TESL people out of the crib. You know what i mean? Anyway we prepared everything (not everything though) for the camp. We were prepared with mental, physical and spiritual before the camp. Everything went smoothly as i mentioned before.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Hmmm...!...a sign od satisfaction!

Hi! We are back...Sekakap was really nice...the sand, the sea, the sun...who could believe we were having a was like a weekend getaway for me...and it was free too! It was nice working with everyone...really enjoying...everyone did a fantastic job! This camp was more relaxing and stress-free and we could really pace things better! Participants were ok, not too many 'shone' like in Kaizen though. Food was really nice, like the chicken rice alot and the BBQ...hmmm...really good! This time I was the Camp Commander (like could you believe it!), and i had to run around just a little more but i had to be really punctual! No lying aroung in bed a little longer...or "loathing" around doing nothing...! Hehehe! I got to know many participants were scared with the 'look' I had on their arrival in my "love envalope"...hehehehe! That was great to know! I heart felt thanks to everyone at ESL Camp 2003, Lecturers...this was really a memorable experience! Go go ELC go! And the best part of all, we really had "Big ducks and Bigger ducks" dipping in the sea! Muahahahahaha!

Some suggestions for language camp

a) Language camp is really a good time for the participants to have fun and at the same time learn the language. There would be a great number of things learned by the participants, via the games and the activities. I personally think that the camp would be more "sustainable" if the participants can learn something more useful and practical for their daily communication, particularly something on basic survivor language use. For example, greetings, introducing oneself, asking for directions, asking for help and so on. This is to help them learn something basic in the language as the first step to express themselves in English. (Remember the things we learn in French? Those are something for basic communication)
b) I noticed that some of the participants really showed great enthusiasm in learning English. They took initiatives to speak in the language, putting aside their "issues of losing of face" when they spoke broken English. I was particularly moved when one of the group members kept "bothering" me with the lines he had in mind for the drama (I manage to attend him patiently). Even though it took him a long time to say out what he intended to express (through English), he did not give up using the language. My suggestion is that, if possible, facilitators are given chances (or I can say, ficilitators should grasp every single chance) to share with the participants about their own journey of learning English. I am sure that some of us have also gone through hard time developing the ability in English. Perhaps our sharings would motivate and inspire the participants to move on in learning the language.

5 Post (2. Games)

The games for the language camp is perfect. It is designed for lower intermidiate and intermidiate level which best suites the first year UTM students. We prepared enough materials for each games. The easiest game was win lose or draw. The participants liked it and so did the faci's. The name of the game that we used is Flip a card; Add one more; Snap; Othello; Sentence Scrabble; Home Sweet Home; Build a tower; Bingo; Charade. We also add some new games. Overall the game was very challenging and we had a great time playing it with the participants.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

5 Post (1. Responsibility)

The language camp A just finished last week. I had to be the PRO for the camp. It was an unusual experience for me and i had a great time. Other than that i helped others to prepare the materials. It was fun working with all the faci's and the best part is that i got to hold one walkie talkie during the camp. Everyone did a good job and everything went smoothly eventhough we still have the problem with time management. We covered it pretty well like professionals. The hardest part was taking care of Mr. Bahar and The Spirit / The Spirits. It was scary cause when I followed him to his dorm, in the dorm i can feel presence of spirits. Scary but nice. That was the toughest job for me during the camp. Other than that, i have to say "I'm speechless!"

Friday, August 22, 2003


Hi, guys, nice to hear some great things from you about the language camp. Well, even though i have to handle one group alone, by my self but actually i have enjoyed the freedom. Thanks to Mr G and Nater for thrusting me to do my job. By the way, i have really enjoyed myself working under you Nater, i don't mind if we are having you as our director again if Mr G want to have another language camp. For all the facilitators that went to camp A, congratulation guys, you guys ROCK big time. We have our own superstar back at Sekakap, lets give a tremendous applause to Kak jija (nuri). She is the best thing that ever could happen to camp A. All the facis this time around is so capable of doing their work independently. I am so proud to be at the same language camp with you guys. I would not think twice to go to another langauge camp if the one who organize it is you guys. I don't have anything negative to say this time, everything is totally awesome, all the positive wave in Sekakap is in the air. For the rest of the facilitators you guys are totally out of this world, come hell or high water, i believe that we can handle anything if we stand together. I am so really proud of you guys. The conclusion is we ROCK BABEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. We rock BIG TIME.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

It's Here

Hello how are you? Friday is here and this will be the last camp for me hehehe! Must say i am really looking forward to it! I never really like camps but laguage camp, that is a different thing...guess this will be one of those last time we will actually be working togather huh??? :) so lets do the best and enjoy!!!!!!! To all who are doing their PSM best of luck! I am really doing my best but im still a little stuck and actually im running out of time...but i am hoping to make use of this weekend to actually rediscover myself and to connect with people and around me to rejuvinate and recharge!!!! Sound like a Malaysia Airlines Gateaway Holidays Advertisment huh?? Anyway have fun and good luck and also God Bless!

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Camp A: Pleasurable cooperation among the facilitators

One of my unforgettable experiences about organizing this language camp would be the pleasurable cooperation among the facilitators. All the facilitators worked hand-in-hand to ensure the smooth running of each and every segment of the camp. We have had a very enjoyable time working together towards the same goal, haven’t we? Throughout the whole process of working together, I noticed that our relationships were actually being built up. Everything was going fine and smooth.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank those who helped me in preparing and conducting the game “Build a Tower”:
(a) Mr G who gave us the idea of refining the game from “Build a Bridge” to enhance the applicability and suitability for language learning. Thanks for his ideas of how the tower should be built, as well as in solving the problems occurring during the game (solution to the lacking of blindfolds and also simplification of the complicated structure of the tower while the participants were having problems in building the tower). Besides, thanks also for his comments and suggestions on how to make the game better.
(b) Nate and Evette who have assisted in the building of the model tower.
(c) Adam who responsibly prepared the materials for the game.
(and not forgetting the help from three of you in the demonstration)

Camp A: Some Positive Aspects

Congratulations to all of those who have contributed, either directly or indirectly, to the Language Camp over the last weekend (15-17 August). Your efforts have made the camp a success. There are a few positive aspects that I have noticed during this camp:
(a) There was a constant and extensive exposure to English for the participants throughout the three days two nights camp. All of the participants were exposed to a great degree of English through the language games played, the songs sung, as well as the activities taken part in. As a medium of instruction, English was used in all the programmes and activities. The participants were also encouraged as well as given chances to use English in their interaction with one another, regardless of their accuracy and fluency, as long as they spoke in the language to get meaning across. I noticed that there were quite a number of participants trying painstakingly to communicate in English. Wasn’t it a good sign?
(b) The participants were motivated to learn and speak English, at least to a certain degree. They have gained new insights about English learning, that learning of English is all about having fun. It is no longer sitting in a classroom listening to a boring English teacher speaking in an alien language. In playing games, the participants’ affective filter was low, especially when their attention was on winning the games. As a facilitator, I was motivated as well especially when I received a “love letter” from one of the participants, promising that he would never give up learning English. Whatever we have done for the participants was not in vain, as it did leave an impact in their journey of learning English. Wasn’t it something encouraging?

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Here Are Some Jokes

1. Sengkakap, Sengkekek, Serkap
2. Let's go into the jungle and do something.
3. You should change your institute.
4. Tooth medicine.
5. A mango is not a padlock.

I know it's not funny now. I guess you have to be at the camp to appreciate these jokes. One more thing, do not be afraid of the rumor that says one of the participants was possesed by a spirit. He has a psychological problem which is best treated by professionals. Submit yourself to God, then everything will be okay. Insyallah.

Get 'Rich' Quick Scheme
1. to persuade students to come to class on time
2. to promote the English Language Camp to unmotivated facilitators

Your Mission:
On Aug. 20 (Wed.), attend the SHE4932 class wearing your language camp shirt. (The Hang Kebun Shirt or the Black Gothic Shirt, you know what I mean.) Those who have never been to a camp, borrow a language camp cap from any of your friends who attended the previous camps. You will only get the marks if you are wearing the shirt or the cap when I enter the class. Late comers will not be rewarded.





Thursday, August 14, 2003




MALAYSIAN TIME:1143;15th of AUGUST 2003.



RED ALERT! RED ALERT! everyone!! the camp is on the move!We have prepared all the needed materials adequately and also all the souvenirs plus prizes too. The destination si set too to witness the BEST starts from 15 to 17 of August in the year of 2003. All facilitators are packing thier bags full with appearance and style things. Not forgetting the CONFIDENCE IN HEARTS and HONORS IN SPIRIT. Come along with us to create, craft, and construct anotehr SPLENDID PAGE in history of UTM. Support us not just with good luck wishes but PROMISES. On the 15th during the departure, it is the MOST PANIC, HECTIC, COLD AND EERIE day for us. Not because we feel any faer or remorse, OH NO WE DON'T! I REPEAT WE DO NOT!! This particular day's atmosphere is responsible in giving us the STRENGHT and POWERFUL PUNCH to BOOST our energy and GIVE NOTHING BUT THE BEST BABY! All campers are ready, busses are leaving sing along along the way. As for us, the DESIGNER, COSTRUCTORS, MOTIVATORS, FACILITATORS, faithfully ROLLING OUR WHEELS OF RESPONSIBILITIES to get the train going. Nothing comes in our way or standsin our way if it is possible and allowed to because we have good deeds, desire and lastly DUTY TO BE SRVED TO THE UNIVERSITY, TO OUR MANKIND TO OUR HAPPINESS IN RECEIEVING AN A PERHAPS, to our PARTICIPANTS OF FELLOW MALAYSIANS and perhaps TO OUR NATION itself! No kidding. YES SIRREE!!


All of the ganes are prepared sufficiently, intelligently, though-provokingly in a camp-manners style (that soon captivates the hearts of all campers)and crucially adapted to serve nothing but the BEST, one could experience in a single camp. I like all the games, although mine and Eddy's did not make it to final to be the chosen one but HEY! its is already written inside the BIG BOOK OF 2003 LANGUAGE CAMP of MR G!! Thank you. All of the materials are well prepared too and although I came late for the workshop day (sorry Camp Queen..didn't mean to hurt ya) I believe all of it are ready to be rumbled. Here we go again. Camp A would soon be the talk of the town and suffice it to say, I rely on these games to be the chosen ones to trigger all campers' determination and confidence in English alertness. Well, the games are set, lets ROCK the Sekakap with our ROLL of style and positive acts. Gamers! be prepared. We have the BEST game bullets, better shield your brain with nothing but trying only the best and feel nothing but happy experience.


This is the big R in the camp. My 'R' is giving a briefing precedes the camp and try to be nice and easy with all the campers. This 'R' is given by the Camp Queen-Ms. Nate - YES a ms. Well, we need an equilibrium here in the ultra-masculine world -of -today's-era. She is a great Dir too. This 'R' im arguing positively about is not just giving a briefing. Iam also contempt to give a BIG SHOT at the camp A though I alreday missed the bus!!to be better as facilitator, to be observed as a disciplined guy and possibly as a role-model during the 3 days camp. Camp A needs me and needs my big 'R'. Here Iam waiting to be ordered to do whats best. All campers UNITE! and we are going to ROCK N ROLL around a little bit. Mr G, my 'R' is also centred approvingly on being the BEST in motivating my group members. If I could not wave any magic wand to make them speak like the Americans, maybe I could touch thier heart n soul to have a little taste and urge of how does it feel to utter an American word or English. Yes! thats what I do best! No magic trick, no wand, but Yes motivation yes spirit and Yes trying!Mr G and my fellow classmates - THIS IS MY BIG R!


Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Language Camp!

Finally tomorrow will be our language camp. I wonder how's everyone's preparation? Ready to go for this one? I hope those who are going to this camp is mentally, physically, spiritually prepared ya! This language camp is not just me alone but it involves everyone. So let's put out hands together to make this one a success ya! Well, for those PSM due this coming Monday, i hope you guys manage to finish it on time. Mine is almost done, need to do alteration abit then submit. It is really stressful if you don't finish now before you go for the language camp. So my advice is that you all try to finish up so that we can enjoy the language camp. This is for your own good too right? Anyway, i just want to wish all the best to our Director, Miss Nate and the rest of you guys. Let's go and have some fun ya! Till then! Chaos!!



Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Working session...It's today, guys!!!

To everyone who's involved with language camps,

Today (August 13th, 2003), there will be a working session at Nate's house, M1-05-045 in Melawis, at 3 pm. Everyone who is going for language camps by the end of this and next week should really attend this working session and for those who are taking Language Games with Mr. G, attendance will be taken. So, make yourself free to go. Basically, what we are going to do today is preparing the materials for this week's camp. Besides, we will also discuss everything about the games that will be played during the camps today. Remember to bring your scissors, markers, glue and anything that you think might be needed for this working session with you when you're stepping out from your place to go to Nate's. We will need all those stuff.

Well, for this coming compulsory language camp, I'll be going to the second one that is next week. For those who are going to Sekakap during this weekend, all the best and a very good luck to Miss Director, a good friend of mine, Nate. Anyway, for the next language camp, I am given the responsibility to be incharged for the game "Flip A Card" designed by Adam, and the name has been changed also but I couldn't remember to what. Regarding the next week's camp, will there be another meeting? Cause I have just noticed that, have we divided the workload? I mean if we already have, what are my responsibilities except from conducting the "Flip A Card" game and being at the 7th check point for the treasure hunt? Maybe I should refer it back. Anyway, if we are going to have another meeting, I hope it can be notified earlier since all of us do have very a hectic schedule these days. I guess that's all for now. Have fun during the camp, guys!!! Signing out....bye!!!


Ai everyone..Feelin great?? Seems not fine, everybody's complaining about not having enough time for assignments and project of the year, but how come il see our cozmates around at Jusco, leisuring but at the same time complaining he he (excluding me ya). How's discourse test just now? tough huh but i still manage to 'goreng' few sentences on the paper. It was really distracting seeing Megat being the leader of the discussion team this morning coz i didn't really prepare myself well for the test. Everyone seems eager to vomit all their intellectual discourse, and at the same time escaped CALL class.Being very busy throughout this week, let's not forget bout Language Camp. 3 days more to go before the camp premiere but I see everybody relax jerr. As for me, very sad lorr coz i can't join my dearest housemates for Camp A. What to do, family comes first! Anyway, I really hope that people in Camp B will accept me as I am despite hearing bout my weaknesses. Zillion sorry to Royzal coz i'm unable to be ur partner, maybe next time and i really have to find my new Beckham. To Damien, how's the evaluation form for drama title? Hope we can work it out during the workshop. To those who will be going this week, good luck and hope our camp will be succesfull and achieves its objective that is to promote English speaking environment in UTM. Not forgetting bout having fun , that's how English should be learn, rite? Syarul, is it true that TV3 will be doing live telecast for the camp? or is it in your dream??Okay la, got to sign out, my PSM is calling and threatening me "DO PSM or EXTENTTTT. Takoot larr...

Monday, August 11, 2003

D Minus 4

We have 4 days left to language camp 2...This is gona be fun n exciting...can't wait...For this coming camp, i would be responsible for being a facilitator in the camp and report to the camp comander if there is anything unusuall happening...The director for the camp is Sista Nate and the Head of the lecturers would be Mr. Ghazali Bunari...Our TESL lecturer...We will depart after Dr. Anie's class and the journey to Sekakap would be around two hour plus...It depends on the bus driver...Hope this camp will be successful than the previous and smoothly as scheduled...There will be a live telecast from TV3 that morning and through out the camp...see you guys then, reporting live from CNN..

Sunday, August 10, 2003


Projek Sarjana Muda...Everyone's favorite project!!...It's the project of the year!!

Saturday, August 09, 2003

farrah's here....;)

hi there!how's life...?actually i'm quite busy this week...with a lot of tough assignment..test..PSM..since my supervisor was coming back...i need to meet her almost we know the dateline for PSM 1 is around week 12...but i'm still confuse and blurr with my title..hopefully i can finish it before going to second language camp at sekakap, mersing...
so..talking about language camp...what do you feel?!i'm really,really you know..after coming back from camp kaizen..i'm become quite famous..hehehe..with the "ghost story"...hahaha..i just told the story to diyah and some other girls..but i don't know...why all of you can know about i is a normal thing...for the next time..make sure all of you will be carefull with your mouth...hehehe..anyway..gud luck....and hopefully we can get more experience...:) to go la...i'll write again later....

farrah's here....;)

hi there!how's life...?actually i'm quite busy this week...with a lot of tough assignment..test..PSM..since my supervisor was coming back...i need to meet her almost we know the dateline for PSM 1 is around week 12...but i'm still confuse and blurr with my title..hopefully i can finish it before going to second language camp at sekakap, mersing...
so..talking about language camp...what do you feel?!i'm really,really you know..after coming back from camp kaizen..i'm become quite famous..hehehe..with the "ghost story"...hahaha..i just told the story to diyah and some other girls..but i don't know...why all of you can know about i is a normal thing...for the next time..make sure all of you will be carefull with your mouth...hehehe..anyway..gud luck....and hopefully we can get more experience...:) to go la...i'll write again later....

Friday, August 08, 2003

D Minus 6!

When are we going to have the practice for the coming language camp? Are we ready yet? YES SIR!


i am down on my bended knee, watching on how is life revolving around me. With a remaining energy i focus my vision to forecast what is it in the near future that will determine my way. with all that sadness and happiness coming in every gliding day. i realize, we are being given an option to choose where we want to go. when we feel like everything has been destined by the supreme power, the option is actually still lying in our hand. whether you opt for a good or a bad that's when the happiness and sadness that have been destined to go along will come on your way. sometimes, undesirable event befall on us. it requires us to think deeply on what have we done that we deserve the unwanted. i come up to a conclusion, every thing that happened in our life everyday comes in a sequence. Go revise the past for the root of things is lying there. Then you will able to see which steps should be rectified whatever it is, Life is beautiful.

Food,Drinks,BBQ and....

Yaoza people!!!going to the BBQ tonight!As for me, ermmmm...too bad.I 'm afraid that I can't make it to the party.I have to go the tuition class.My children will be waiting for me to give them more homework.he..he...Maybe in the near*hints..hints* TESLian Night before our graduation..So, want to do it poeple?I'm waiting for that!he..he..fuh,a lot of things and incident happen this week.It is such a BAD HAIR DAYS for me.Lets' recall back:
1. Monday, hand in the Discourse assignments:which most of us reluctant to because the outcomes were the products of last minute jobs..(we just never learned our lessons about last minute works)
2. Tuesday,most of us were bashed by the *Makcik* during the computer presentation, thank God I missed that one!!
3. Wednesday,most of us failed to show up for Mr.G's class..hey just where the h#&l are you guys..we had so much fun though!!!!But, later we had the language testing quiz...BZZZZ....blur sotong!!!
4.Thursday,scared half to death with the new assignment given by Dr. Azizah.THe due date is this saturday.This time,all the blur sotongs in the class were roasted with anxiety!!
5.Friday,I missed Dr. Annie's class for two days now and I have to go to the bank to withdrwas some money to pay my house rent..this sufferings just never stop!!!
well,that's all folks...hope the best and chow da mow!!!

its party time!!

hi there ppl!!
how r u guys doing? must b a relieve as all those major assignments have passed by already. so, i bet u guys must b preparing for da discourse exam. so, the hot topic is regarding the BBQ. i wish i can go, but duty stands in front of me. can dump the duty. hope u guys know what duty. hahaha. the assignment la. what else. so, hope that u guys have a nice time in the BBQ session. anyway, sum of u guys will b away for the language camp nex week. so, double the celebration, hah? that is really nice. cool stuffs going on around. chill out guys enjoy while u can.

Thursday, August 07, 2003


tesl huha-yeah right!

The language camp is getting nearer and people seems to be really excited. The assignment loads are getting heavier, have you guys finish yours? Well i haven't finish mine yet, but who cares right? It's actually our own responsibilities, if we don't want to do it, no one is going to do it for you. For the next language camp, we have to do our best. We need to show that we can work well together. If someone make mistake"s" and i stress on "s", dont be afraid to tell them. It is for a greater cause. When you show them what they mistake that they have done, they can improve it, RIGHT! We TESLian must stick together during and after the language camp. By the way Shahrul, if someone does'nt want to go to a gathering it is their choice. You have to understand their situations and contexts, ok! well that's it for me then see you next time figuratively speaking...... he he he he. GOOD LUCK.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

few weeks to go..

there are few weeks to go before we submit our PSM sounds scared for most of us (specifically 4 those who havent complete their chapters yet-including me!) we'll behaving the discourse test 4 diz coming tuesday..act.research on and so forth-just to name a few..
ok guys just drop a few line here to heat this page..see ya..enjoy what u guys are doin now coz we only many months to go together? let each of us think about this and spare our quality time together..

im in kuching

hello how is everyone...i had just arrived in kuching and i am really sorry i could not attend the party 2molo nite...just wanna wish everyone well and take care...i really need this tired and worn out from all the agmts...hope to see you all on monday...seniors graduation is on sunday 1pm-5pm so go and give support ok bye and thank dini thanks fot the morning loft to the airport!
Hello! Hello!! hows everybody with all the assignments comming up and going out?? plus with all the test quizes buzzing behind every now and then?? seems like when we came back from the hols we are getting all dark cicles around our eyes and looking sleepy and tired hehehe :) hey i guess its life right! how was the games yesterday did you guys liked willie n my game?? well i was kinda funny n a little simple thats all... nothing much to do right. anywhere hows every 1s PSM going on?? me no need to say... since we r having class in the afternoon today seems like i cant even finalize with my lect coz it like that is the only day i can hand in my chapters n see him... thanks a lot n like i have 2 hand in next week all da finalize colection, hey common lar think of da people dat need to meet their lect on dat day too. anywhere whats that use right complaining doesnt seems to produce effect at time right so go with the flow... :) have to sacrifice loh wat some would say.
So hows da preperations for the next language camp?? i haven't heard anything happening since we last met in the comp lab befor the hols. anywhere hope everything is up n running and no last minute jobs :) hmmm seems that i oso need to do just dat. :) anywhere i some people think of spreading rumours pls don't just do that alright... n spreading rumours is actually a very bad habit... one can get 'cancer' after that... and also make others have it to... yes its true... and this is not an act of bonding when its objective is to bring down people. you are actually distroying lives! and if you ever hear any rumours please look for the person they are talking about and ask them themselves. wat for you need to believe on assumptions made by other people! i mean common people our class is small don't start to make division in our own class... what happen to unity!
anywhere this is just an encouragement to people ok don't take it too much to heart... plus we need unity in our class to make things happen... like when it happens to be our language camps to conduct.... alright all the best in living this week... like i always say live life to the fullest!! :) God Bless!

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

fight 4 ur final year :)

hi seems like now all of us been very bbbbbzzzzz doing our works-working non stop - for me, i've been working very hard ( i think) since b4 the sem break until now, we're working like h**l. it's really final year with these loads of, look like now there are certain people who SELDOMLY WRITE in this blog. i mean, come on guys, we are open to share everything here.. i don't mean to be cynical or anyhthing that u'll call me, but i can see the great pattern here is that, only certain people will keep on writing in this blog-referring to this gameplan or his/her web page. but what happen to the rest of TESLian? I don't mean to be "menyibuk" but pleaz, show some commitment towards this subject by contributing your marvellous+precious+luxurious ideas..or may be just a little piece of ur writing. i won't be that hard, right fellas?

hey, how about our game presentation diz morning? yeah, i know it seems quite messy but that all the best that we can do for that moment. we have been preparing the game for last two or three weeks, and then when it time for us to present it, we don't seem to have the spirit+enthusiasm of doing it..sorry for any messy thing that happen during our game presentation this morning. feel open to eccept any comments from u guys..

ok, i just finish find my article for action reaseach, and now i'm thinking of continue back my work..every dateline seems to end up quckly now..see ya guys

Monday, August 04, 2003

wealthy healthy

hi there people!
h r u? i m not really fine. my bp is kindofa up and down due to some reasons. during my holidays, i was going through this book published by CAP.(CAP means consumer association of Penang) you will not believe what i read about all our food stuffs that we take all tihs while. it was reall gross and well, someone has to do something about it seriously. do you know that the yolk in the egg is so yello coz of dye? do you know that all processed meat stuffs are actually bad coz they tend to include the tongues, guts, intestines of chicken, beef burgers and sausages? we are also endangered with e-coli bacteria with taking the vegetables from certain markets?
anyway, all the best for your LTE exam...

welcome back friends.......

hey buddies!!!!
just to welcome all of you back.....lets struggle for the next few weeks....and remember the language camp is just around the corner...huh, before i forgot...our language camp t-shirt is in black in color... hope all of you aggree....thanks...and the place, sekakap, it's cool...a place near the sea side...very breathtaking... a lot of obstacle course... the dewan terbuka is quiet small... canteen, okay....well, we will see the place, live, in a few, prepare to enjoy ourselves...see ya....

Sunday, August 03, 2003

The Amazing Race

Hello people, I just want to update to all of you about the riddles for the language camps.I've a collection of riddles for the amazing race game;I'll be using the same riddles sent by Mr. G during the holidays.That's about the riddles.ermm..about the Drama title.Dini and I have came up with a drama that involves fairy tales theme.We are stiil working on the mark sheet for the judges.If any of you have any good and cool ideas..why don't you pour it some to us.Thank you.
Hasta la vista babeh!

Ai yai yai yai yai!!!

How'd cowboys?D'y'all having fun back home?I'm very much grateful here y'all!Just bounce back after all the tedious assignments (which I guessed y'all know) I am again..all hot and wet again!!!ye ha!sp**k me!he.he.he...anyway,I hope Kenneth and Dini will reach a mutual agreement.It's good to talk face to face though..I mean..hell, Melana and Melawis are so close..just a stone throw away!!anyway, for those who haven't visit my hop in the fun and twisting gossips that is lingering around..but,'s only in my page..he..he...
p/s:one doesn't has to have a degree in Marketing to sale like ME!!!all you need is the language and brain...


Its Dini here. Actually rite now i'm also looking for people who would be kindly enough to switch with me. I'm suppose to go for the first camp (camp A) but somehow i really really need to attend my sister's graduation day on the 16th in UNITEN. She's the only sister I have and I really need to go. It is also bcoz I want her to turn up for my graduation day later. So let us discuss with Mr.G and see if it is possible. .Chow!

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Achtung Mr. G!

Mr. G, I'm having a little problem with my link to my blog. The link connects to my previous blog (englishisfun ;p). Could you please link me to my new blog ( Thanks!

Its A Great Idea!!!

:: I think that's a great idea from my friend Mr. Sham...Sham is trying to get real deeplly into his heart...I know what you mean bro and i just wanna cry...inside tears are getting to my eyes right now :) ...well anyway what do you suggest Sham?...not everyone turnd up and i think we could invite the lecturers too??...or is it just among us only??...Why not we do it after discourse class this monday?..."Cannot malam ade action research", other people would say "Aku takde transpot la", "some would just not pay attention to this creepy guy talking in front about having a gathering once a week...some would just walk away and say "I ada hal la"...and the result, you guest it, not everyone turnd up...and a few would say "Buat la hari yang kita tak busy nanti semua boleh datang" (yeah right, lame excuse)...

:: My point need to change yourself first, then people will follow can't change them because they're like that and they're already blend to's not that i don't want to join but then not everyone will show up and it will make me feel like (i guess you know)...Sorry if i said anything bad or made you upset or sewaktu dengannya...and to all of you, i don't blame you guys cause everyone has its own color and its very colorful (Mr.G's words)

::Mr Sham your link from gameplan doesn't work and how do i go to your new website?

:: I'm doing this music video, it will be my second in the CD i'll include all my classmates information (latest), the lecturers and a short video clips from all of you...i need help from -

-::- someone to collect the data (biodata, pics, and sewaktu dengannya),
-::- someone to type the data
-::- someone to do it in Macromedia Director (i can teach if you need help)
-::- someone that can help me burn the CD's
-::- all of you guys to make this possible

at first i wanted to make this as a surprise to all of you but then i changed my mind cause you guys ask a lot....i'm doing this because i love you all and i don't know what will happen in the will be a lot easier if everyone could chip in...thanks....if there's any questions, just send it to my guestbook...

:: I got the video from the last camp and those who want it can give their names to's only RM2.50...I deal with Malaysian Ringgit only...

:: Sorry if i upset all of you...i'm just a human being and i always make mistakes...thank you for your cooperation!


Sorry Sham i got a lot of work to i think i don't have time...i want to but i got plans with my girlfriend and lots of assignment to do...its my final year and i'm very busy lately...sorry...(just kidding around bro) :)


Behold for the week of chaos...

Testing test, Discourse, SPT, (for me) Bimbingan Kaunseling, Methodology II... (feel free to remind me anything that I forgot)
Are you up for it? Hehe... scary huh? Anyway lets hope that all of us will do this well.
As for the language camp, before it starts, I just want to share some thoughts with all of you. Okay, for some who went to our first night out at McD back then, I've told them about my wish, my hope.
Well friends, as some of you probably noticed, there are some of us who'll be graduating in the next few months, rite? But, let us think about it for a while. What will happen to US after that? The 2000 TESLians? We used to be proud of ourselves, we used to be proud to stand as one even when others diss us? They even thought we shouldn't be here (remember the Khutbah Jumaat?) Anyway, what I'm telling you here is that I want all of us to be close once again. I know some of you might say why should I care? We're already close. Now that's bull****! I know all of us notice that there is a GAP between us. Even if it small, it's still a gap. Rite? So now I'm asking for all of you to help me to help us become one; at least for these few months that we have. I know that I have Adam, Syarul, Kenneth and the rest for this. But I want more out of you. There's a lot that we can do together. We can have dinner together, we can go for a picnic (Adam), we can play bowling together (Damien) or anything that you can think of. It's not whether you have no money, no time or anything. WE just need your (honest) presence. That's all! Now, I hope there will be no more excuse like "Malas ah.., aku keluar dgn boypren, gopren aku..., aku ada banyak keje, ini, itu..." Anyway, I just hope that we will never be something like our 3rd year junior now. Please... at least when we know each other better, we can work with them better because we will know their strength and weaknesses. At least this will prevent something like what happened at the language camp the other day where there was a lot of 'over-expectation' going on. That's all. Never have any preconceived idea about anyone anymore. Get to know them. How? Be with them more...!