Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Win, Lose or Draw

Prepared by:
Fatin Nur Alia bt Mohd Sazali (A11 PP0101)
Cheang Ai Nee                       (A11 PP0069)

1. Objectives:
After completing the game, students should be able to :
- Give correct guesses from sketched picture clues in 5 minutes
- Enrich their vocabulary in English
- Speak confidently by using English language
2. Language Components: Vocabulary
3. Level of Proficiency: Intermediate level
4. Duration: 60 minutes
5. Materials:  Two marker pens, several A4 blank papers and candies.
6. Procedures:
Brief (15 minutes)
        i.            The teacher introduces the game of win, lose or draw to the students.
      ii.            The teacher divides the students into three groups.
    iii.            The teacher explains the objective and rules of the game to the students.
    iv.            The teacher asks the students to take out a piece of paper.
      v.            The teacher asks them to cut the papers into four parts.
    vi.            The teacher asks students to write the name of one cartoon character on the first paper strip; one fruit on the second paper strip; one vegetable on the third paper strip and one animal on the last paper strip.
  vii.            The teacher collects all the paper strips according to the groups.
viii.            The teacher swaps the paper strips collected from all of the groups.
    ix.            The teacher asks for one representative to be the sketcher of each group.
- The sketcher needs to draw out the word written on the paper strips while his/her group mates need to guess the words. (*He/She is not allowed to make any sound. No letters, words or numbers can be drawn.)
- The teacher assigns one time keeper from one of the opposing teams.
-Both groups will be given 5 minutes to guess as many correct guesses as they can.
-The opposing teams help to keep track of the time. They should remain quiet when the other group is guessing.  
Demonstrate: (5 minutes)
      x.            The teacher demonstrates the game once.
Play: (30 minutes)
    xi.            The teacher starts the game by showing the paper strips to sketcher A.
  xii.            The teacher counts the points scored by group A.
xiii.            Step xi. and xii. will be repeated by group B, followed by group C.
xiv.            The game will be repeated for another round.
Debrief: (10 minutes)
  xv.            The teacher gives out the candies to the winners.
xvi.            The teacher briefly reviews the words that have written by the students.
xvii.            The teacher asks the students what they have learned from the game.

7. Variations:
i. Blind Play
This variation requires the sketcher to be blindfolded while drawing the clues. The teacher needs to let the sketcher reads the word or phrase first before being blindfolded. The sketcher can only start to draw the clues after being blindfolded. This will help the game become more interesting and challenging.
ii. Phrases as Guesses

Teacher may ask the students to write their hobbies or activities that they like in order to change the word class into verb phrase. However, the teacher must specify the verb tense that he or she wants such as present tense or present continuous tense. 

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