Tuesday, October 28, 2014

During the Language Camp B

     During the camp, I was allocated a team consist of 7 secondary school students. The name of my group is Ninja Turtles. However, I 've tweak the name to TMNT for it is simpler to pronounce. The camp started a little late that the time planned. After the students have separated, the activity started with the instruction from the emcee of the camp.

     The first game is the logo and cheer creation. The mahjong paper and stationary have been already been given to my team. The discussion of the logo creation and cheer creation went a little longer that expected because the team members aren't that cooperative yet and some of them are shy. However, I've managed to separate the team for logo creation and cheer team creation. A lot of ideas suddenly flow when they are able to use their mother tongue. All in all we managed to come up with the cheer but in ongoing process of the logo creation.

   The creativity part have to stop because the first activity have come in place. The first activity is called the charade. This a fun game which uses gesture to present an object.my group battled with another group next to mine. During the time allocated, the students felt overjoyed because the activity helps them in cooperating among themselves. Both the group managed to complete the game although my team loses the battle. I also managed to add another battle cause the time is enough for another round.

     The next activity is the Win, Lose or Draw which have the same principle as charade but instead of gesture, we could only draw. The game went on smoothly and I also managed to add one more game that every team member from both group is involved. The activity which is the tandem writing. I help the students is giving them suggestion on how to create their own love story other than family or couple story.

   After that is break which I help the other facis in leading the muslim students to for their prayer. After the prayer, The short drama comes, My job is locating the team with the same theme which is LOVE and battle among 6 other group. I lead the group competition by nominating the sequence of the group that would be presenting. I have to continually reminding the students to speak louder because of the size of the hall is big and other people can't hear them. The competition continued until the judges announce the winner of the competition.

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