Tuesday, October 28, 2014

during Language Camp B

salam n hi everyone

When we first arrived at the school, I am actually quite excited and little bit nervous to be a faci to a bunch of kids I didn't know. Its quite a while since i 've been talking to students after our practical teaching. During the camp I don't have other responsibility than being a faci to the students. So I can focus all my energy to help students having fun. Unfortunately, during the first activity which is ice-breaking session students were to shy to speak and they ended up looking on the floor instead of looking at each other cute and innocent faces. I tried to makes some jokes but still they were quite passive with each other. But I don't gave up. I kept pushing them to at least speak with each other. I reminded them that joining English Camp was all about having fun. Finally then they starting to speak to each other.

When they were quite comfortable with each other, i can see they can work as a group. but they only can work within the group. from my observation, they became shy again when they need to act up the drama in front of everyone. Even though during their practices they were excited and quite okay but during the real performance they became like 'stone'. Everything ent quite haywire. I guessed they panicked during the performance. But its okay. At least they were having fun doing it.

The other problem i faced was the interference of teacher of my group. Actually i called him to help students with their logo and cheers. But the teacher kind of belittle me. he keep rejecting my ideas for logo and cheers. But the silver lining was he help my group to have a good cheers and logo. So i don't feel really mad at him.
ok thanks all.. i am tired now..see you again friends.

1 comment:

aisyah jumpaan said...

Confidence is a hard thing to build up in just a day. But, good job persuading them to speak up!