Saturday, October 25, 2014

Language Camp A (Post) - Nurnajwa

After the camp, we did post-mortem  for the camp. We discussed on what were the problems that we faced during the camp and how we could improve it for the next camp. Based on the port-mortem that we had done, we came out with some solutions and the facilitators for the next camp (Language Camp B) will use the solutions to organize a better language camp.


Pei Ching said...

Najwa, I think the post-mortem is very important for us to reflect the good things and bad things happened in the language camp.

The Educator said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Through post-mortem, we could discuss weaknesses or even difficulty faced by facilitators and find out any relevant solutions so that we could have a better planning in the future.

Jacqueline said...

Yes, post-mortem is the best way for us to do reflection.