Monday, July 21, 2003


aii guys..well there's been a lot of talking and comment's done regarding to the latest LC. as for me..because i'm was not there i cannot say much..but all in all you guys rock! you guys have fun..the participants have fun.. and at least some of them tried to speak english by the end of the camp. this is just a plain thing to know teslians are very talented,full of ideas and competitive..yet when we are working together..please try to listen to other people ideas..give chance to other quiet people to contribute in the LC and don't be too authocratic. it is not whose ideas being used or getting applaused but how we co-operate and combine these great ideas and produce a very da vogue the vast LC. anyway to your your talents and you know your friends are always by yur side..
enjoy your holiday and happy transcribing (DA)

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