Monday, February 11, 2002

It's me again. Heehehh looks like Puy Yih is back in action..lolol well I will continue about the language games experience too :) on my part. Hmm the treasure hunt was fun. Although I was standing at the check point lol and hiding the envelopes, I had a good time looking at the kids and their facilitators running everywhere. Some of them are so impatient that they just want to rush off to the next check point. But I stood there and said NO you must answer the questions correctly first. They didnt seem to even understand the questions. The facilitators had to help translate to BM in order for it to be comprehensible to them. The treasure hunt was a little messed up, but I still want to say good job to Suhaimi and whoever prepared the treasure hunt. I understand it must not have been easy to plan the whole thing.
Puy Yih feels that the kids like her :) I guess that is true but I think they don't like me. I just don't know how to humour kids and I don't know how to be fierce yet get them to respect me and all that. Not cut out to be teacher material I guess. LOL :) Well but whatever it was, I did have lots of fun at the camp and I am sure my 'cows' did too. Although they emerged last in everything, but I am still proud of them because I have seen their effort and sincerity in trying in the games that we played. I am happy for them and I hope that they learnt something from the camp.
During Okapi though, they didn't really co-operate. They just let the person who saw the picture do the sculpture. They didn't care at all about the instructions I gave them. Duck emerged as the winners and i helped Christina calculate the points along with Puy Yih.
At night, the kids were running everywhere but soon came under control when the teachers started disciplining them :) Hheheh It was so cold at night that I kept having to have to go to the toilet and I had to get Shu Pyng to teman me :) Hhehee. Then in the middle of the night after a long talk, Christina and Puy Yih and Shu Pyng ate cup noodles. I had a cup of milo and munched some of Shu Pyng's noodles. Then all full and contented, we lay our head down to sleep :)
Well relatives are rushing in and I have to go help serve drinks now. That's how the first day of new year always is eh :) Bye!

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