Friday, February 08, 2002


I added more photos. Click HERE to look at them. I like watching the smile on your faces.

I told your director to remind you that you should dress like a teacher. She interpreted it as "jeans are not allowed". I should have been more specific. For me, decent clothing means "body hugging tees are not allowed" and jeans are okay. Be conservative and rely on your personality to attract attention and not your flesh. Well, people have different standard of decency. You might wear a mini skirt and tell me, "my mom never make noise about this skimpy dress". Next time, I will provide pictures so that everybody understands what I mean by dress like a teacher.

We decided earlier that we'll wear a black t-shirt printed with "Language Camp". (I heard you. You said it was not us who decided. It was you). Some of you refused to follow the decision. I don't think it's fair to me to punish you since the significance of wearing that homeprinted black t-shirts to pedagogy was not that great. Nevertheless, I decided to reward those who wore the t-shirt. You displayed your sense of belonging and strong team spirit despite the substandard quality of print. (We were saving RM8-10 for each t-shirt we printed on our own). 2 marks to you. Marks awarded to you were taken from Participation Mark Scheme.

Have you watched this ad, "Mentor, advisor, friend, facilitator, innovator, coach......... I am all these and more. I am a teacher." It was shown on TCS 5. Some of us didn't fit this bill. We ate before the kids ate their meals. We left the kids unattended. We scolded the kids for not knowing and for being naive. We didn't care about the cleanliness of the classrooms and the school surroundings, we ignored rushing water from the unturned tap, and a lot more other examples. But not all of us were like that. I will also reward those who showed me the true meaning of being a teacher and readiness to sacrifice their needs just to make sure the kids were happy. You taught by examples. I wish I had that talent. 2 marks to you and the others get 1 mark. Why 1 mark not zero? You guys were okay. You did display that you care a little bit.

I want to correct Farhana who wrote in the gustbook that I was not satisfied with the camp. I AM SATISFIED with your performance. It is just that I am not good at giving praises. I hope that you guys can introduce Language Camp in your future schools.

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