Monday, February 11, 2002

I think i'm the only person who talk about the preparation before the language camp.Heh...heh...I'm just like the person who are still using 'lokomotif' where are the rest of my friends are using bullet-train. Just now Banchee taught me how to enter the gameplan(I Love U Banchee).I'm sorry MR G for the late entry(I will always keep in touch with this web after this-until February,14th).
On the first meeting when Zura suggested about the school in Felda,I was so excited and started imagined the children.I listened with interesting and raised my hand to agree whatever they had discussed (and ignored my friend's talking about something else because my focusing was on the discussion progressed-sorry my dear friend, you have been abandoned)Then, they have decided for the date.Again,I raised my hand to agree.Wow, it was a long time to wait for the day.I imagined the children will enjoy to learn English with this way because the subject focuses on the game.
On the second meeting,when Farhana told me about my task, I was so eager and asked her whether the first aid will be prepared by the school or us.This is because first aid is very important for any program if there happen a tragedy.Although there are only some basic things in the first aid but it will help us little.Then, Farhana told me about another tasks that I have to do.Anyway,thanks to Farhana because she helped us lots(Thiba and me-the security & health committee)before the program.
It's already late now.This is my first entry and I will come back tomorrow to continue the story regarding the language camp.Adios!

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