Sunday, April 01, 2007

my contribution

hello everybody...
my contribution???I do not know if this can be called as contribution...I did the bookmark design and then, Kak Nora edited it for me as I am not that creative....i did the tags for the hamper and the present although it is not that nice....i help the material bureau, just giving them a helping hand with the participants file....I did detail instruction for the treasure hunt(that is why I am the only one who understand it at first but then, everybody can follow it without any more confusion...)...what else???
there are only small things that I have done like taking the students that arrive late and send them to any camp that have less numbers of participants.....i did the photocopying of the schools' map using my own money(it is not that much...that is why i do not want to claim it from the treasurer) and I did it twice as the first map did not have the list of checkpoints for the treasure hunt...during the day that we are going to the school, I helped Kak nora with the hamper...from the room to the bustand........well..........I am not really proud of it but that are the only things that I can help and I did give a helping hand when any of the facilitators need my help.........
I would say that all of us, the facilitators help each other very well and we have so much fun!!!!!!!
thank you to all of the facilitators especially those who helped me by being incharge of the checkpoints for treasure hunt.....thanks for being very helpfull all the time.... thanks for making me enjoyed the camping...and to my bedmates(you know who you are), thank you for giving me enough space to sleep...hehehe.....
all guys rock!!!!

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Unknown said...

allo is good and interesting to know that the camp B managed to provide all the kids with bookmarks and hamper... that must cost a lot..poor k9...we had insufficient budget to buy presents. that was all because k9 was extremely STINGY!!!
by: fatin nadia

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you had helped us, the Material Bureau... Thanks for that, Azma! Besides, I like Treasure Hunt as well.. It was really enjoyable, especially when we could bully the students & listen to their group cheer.. hehe.

Anonymous said... ni kan..huhu..i've two write 2 times for have to treat me after ok=) will be a popular teacher in your school career..believe me=)

NorAiSha said...


Congrate!finally we managed to get through the times. u such a wonderful assistant as well as marbeles company in our bureau+C'HQ as well.we do enjoy bullied the students during treasure hunt.thanks for trying your best in designing the tags as well as the bookmarks while we go out to do the shopping.its not dat i dont want to have u along wit us..i juz afraid tht you wont be able to follow the way we shopping; searching for the best things with the good bargin,cheapest prices excluded the branded outlet/shop and most importantly minimum 6hours non stop with heels-hahhahaha)so dats why i bring those usual team whose knew the trend already and let u do the designning task. we do enjoyed the hamper wrapping times rite?k.dyg KLCC, K.haja army squad, your creative hamper and mine of coz the most luvly one.ahaks!;>. nice to have u as one of the company with mama dyg as well s the others helping hand.

THE NAME is N.O.R.A sumthing'

Anonymous said...

hi azma!!

congratulations for making the camp a real success!! thanks for ur cooperation too..hehe...your treasure hunt was also a great game and the students really enjoy it even though they had a hard time to understand it!! wasn't ur fault..don't worry..k..bubbye..

Anonymous said...

as'kum azma..
well girl, every little help, even the tiniest thing counts and i know she did a great job in camp B. everything means sumthing and her helping hand had help sum works to be done rite..anyway,its yr helping hand that's important not yr labour hand..hahaha..this camp is for teamworking where evbody share the littliest ofthings!!! WELL DONE AZMA!
