Wednesday, February 05, 2003


Hai gang!how are u?i have something interesting here especially for GIRLS...well GIRLS read up! the reasons why it's great to be a girl?? FIRSTLY,You can be attracted to someone just because they're really funny.You can quickly end just about any fight simply by crying.You never have to wonder if you'll offend someone by opening a door for them.You never have to spend two months' salary on a ring.You never have the delusion that you'd look cool with a goatee.Gay waiters don't make you uncomfortable.If someone takes your seat in a bar, you don't have to hit them.You have an excuse to be a total bitch at least once a month.You can improve your appearance with makeup without people thinking you're a weirdo.You're rarely compelled to scream at the TV.You don't have hair on your back.If you talk to your mom every day, it's normalWhen you get dumped, you can admit you're depressed without getting drunk.You can dress yourself without looking like a geek.You'll never regret piercing your ears.If you pick up the check once in a while, that's plentyYou don't have to memorize lines from "Caddyshack" to fit in.You can hug your friends without wondering if you're gay.If you really must hitchhike, you can always get a ride.Sometimes, chocolate truly CAN solve all your problems!

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