Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Hi friends...enjoying ur holidays? Oh Tiqah, I didn't know that you are that 'free'...count the number of cars, hehe...yeah, i know what u meant...Tmn U must be damn quiet..but don't think so for now, Miss JC is back, so look out for her...Red helmet is here.... Vroooommmmm, Vrommmm.... SHi Ing, thx for the add. I had been trying out 'blogger.com' and 'upsaid.com'.. kept asking me to refresh...couldn't also..so i gave up till SHi Ing contacted me..thanks again ya! I am suffering from bad cough... don't say that i eat a lot..got it before new year...so couldn't eat much also, but still, 'curi-curi' at times....yumm yumm! Yes, friends out there..welcome to our hse...for the delicious cookies...no ang pow only.....we don't give, just receive..hahaha!!!

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