Friday, February 07, 2003

bonjour everybody..i'm so sad right now..:( i just find out that there will be a class on coming tuesday and i could not attend.. that's what makes me so sad..because i kind of like language games class compared to drama's not that i hate olivia twist.but i find that there are more tense in drama project (olivia twist) compared to language games project (language camp).and of course olivia twist is something that i cannot forget. it was so wonderful and enjoyful experienced as an actress.on the other hand, language camp was something different from the olivia twist. i did learnt something from the both camp.. and i really glad that i have the experienced to teach little kids and it was very exciting actually to be a faci and control 10 kids. i heard that graduate teacher can apply to teach in primary school with same grade of salary which is DG3 if i'm not mistaken.i think it is great! because nowadays teenagers are very cruel to their teachers (of couse not all) if you refer to news which students can do anything to their teachers for example scratch their teacher's car, fight with the teacher,bla bla many things can happen.and i admit that i'm quite afraid to deal with that kind of students. students who have discipline problems. that's why i think if the news are real i've been thinking to teach the primary students except for standard 1,2,3,4...hehe can i choose which standard i want to teach?i prefer to teach standard 5 and 6 because they can understand better. but actually it depends on which school i'm going to teach later on.if i get good school which mean no discipline problem, i will take it and do my job!
oh no! i will miss my 2 marks! Mr. G, will it effect on my grade? and another thing are you going to show the carry marks during the last class? can somebody jot down my carry marks and tell me later after i get back to jb.thank you and adios guys..tomorrow will be the last date to post entry and i hope that i have complete it because i could not remember how many entry i have post..:)

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