Friday, January 03, 2003

hikhik...forgotten that I am supposed to talk about serious matter here, which is about language camp. What is the newest info...hmm..let me see..the jersey!! I find that it is nice, at least it is something different compared to any of out T-shirts least it does not have orange, black and a bee!!anyway..I don't mind wearing that jersey!! it is not that ugly, besides the real thing that matters is to ensure that the language camp successful and something that we can look back proudly, the same feelings that we have when Olivia Twist proved to be something that we can be proud of!! let's have fun and let the kids have fun and actually gain something through the language camp. It is heartbreaking when you see that there are still a lot of kids out there that still crawling wayy...behind the rest of the world and it is something overwhelmingly satisfying knowing that we actually played a part even when it is small in the kids' future.

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