Monday, January 27, 2003

How are you? Dead tired rite...i know i am...according to sue i snore last thought that i dont snore...but i guess i did!
First all, i would like to apologise to those that i have irritated to in the camp..didnt mean too but i hope that you would all find it in your heart to forgive is just this habit of mine that tends to test people patience...menguji kesabaran.
Next i would like to thank MrG for showing me a different perspective in contributing my services to the community. If i am stationed in Muar next time when i am teaching, i hope that i would be sent an email so that i can help out in the lg camp, faci or volunteer...i am cool with it. (Miss Fatimah had a hand in making me feel this way too). MrG you have my email, so please dont forget to email me. (Give me 2 marks - hahaha will be invalid when i work)
Another thing, i would like to say that i enjoyed working with you guys again. Oliva twist and now lg it will not get any better than this. I would like to thank each and everyone here goes...sorry a long one this time.
Cech - great director! The most patient one i have have to teach me how to be patient
Mas - providing the jokes but you are helpful and thus i advise to take the jokes lightly because if they joke about you, they like you!
Tiqah and Aida - thank you for running to my rescue when i needed to go for a pee break
Zam - You take charge when no one was there and you are set the best example by being the most helpful and the most humble.
Yanni - Your love to the kids, help me explore my side of loving these kids.
Nadya - Hey, send me your wedding card soon yah
Linda - Quiet but full of laughter in the end when we merged groups. thanks for saving the groups!
Vic and Bob - Vic you are tense but you are turned out to be the most responsible for your group. Thank you bob for helping him!
Lina - Mama lion you rule!
Yeefen and limin - hey you guys, dont know what to say, just need to say thank you!
Love the pictures, eventhough most people who went to tengaroh and told me that ba was not that marvellous but i still feel that this place has memories...treasure hunt remember that...exercise remember that...eating remember that...
The term is coming to an end and we have yet to post our best journal entry so lets get it down...
Please remember to check your email after you graduate and read the daily newspaper...i might be sending you a message to come in your best outfit to
Its time to contribute back and help the kids and youth!
Shi ing aka JC

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