Thursday, January 09, 2003

heeeloooo again!after weeks MIA from this blogger thing, i'm back! oh ya, welcome back to class Yani! alright, seems like everyone is anticipating the first camp. YUP, running out of time, really gald that u guys realise that matter! for the game 2, we only do the students handouts, NO NEED lesson plans and (for those who got the wrong info earlier on, sorry that u guys did extra work) Although every pair surely has a game to be conducted, we are still looking for games which, according to Mr.G, are 'the sentence level game'. Shah has suggested a few sentence level games during our previous meeting. I think some of the ideas can be implemented.So, hopefully Shah can explain further about his ideas and perhaps some pairs who only have one game (like me and Sue) can help out in these games.any more ideas for sentence level game?if need further explanation, direct it to Mr.G ok :) hmm..banner,I heard Cecah had discussed with See Yan, for the prizes..haa..last meeting Cecah said she'll debit her $ first, but then, we suggested that the treasurer collects $ from us a.s.a.p.At least Cecah will have less burden.So the wrapping prizes activity can be done at our house as most of us were assigned to do so. For Game 2, those who are not sure how to play/conduct the games MUST ask Mr. G a.s.a.p too.actually, he's worried that most of us can't understand Game 2 (sorry sir, have to let them know this) so, next Tues after the treasure hunt- Tropical Garden,we'll have one of the 'havoc' meeting there, and perhaps explain about the games again.See y'all!

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