Sunday, December 20, 2015

My Responsibilities for the Language Camp (Aliya)

Hi, everyone!

In this post, I'm going to share about my responsibilities for the Language Camp. During our first meeting, we held an election to choose the committee members for the camp. Shafiq was chosen as our director while Seha, our vice-director. As for me, initially, I was given the responsibility to be in charge of the Food and Hygiene committee, together with Arifah. Fatin was also assigned under our committee. However, a few weeks later, we were informed that we did not have to prepare the food for participants to cut our expenses. Hence, because we have less job, Arifah, Fatin and I were assigned to be under the Activity committee, in which the people in charge were Sarah and Esther.

During our third or fourth (can't remember accurately) meeting, we discussed on the activities to be done in the camp. A lot of ideas were proposed by our friends, including the games that were actually carried out during the camp. At first, I came to the meeting with a blank mind, not having of any idea to propose of the activities. However, after listening to the others' ideas, an idea suddenly popped out of my mind. It was the game I once played when I attended a camp during secondary school. Back then, the game was called 'Game Saham' or 'Stock Game'. I proposed this game in the meeting. After the concept of the game was explained, we named this game 'The Betrayal Game'.

Since I proposed this game, I automatically became one of the game masters. I feel powerful having that title *proud*. But with great power, comes great responsibility. Now I have to conduct the game during the camp! Aaaaaaaaa~! I was feeling nervous, but The Betrayal Game received positive feedbacks from my friends, so it raised my confidence :)

From a member of the Committee of Food and Hygiene to a Game Master.

I will further write about my experience as a game master in the next post. Till then!


SHARF93 said...

The activity Committee did a good job at realizing the games and handling the games on the actual day. I know it was really challenging for you since our time was limited. but, the outcome was great by my book and you guys deserve some pat on the back. Congrats!

Unknown said...

You did a great job Aliya. Am so proud of you!