Sunday, December 20, 2015

My reflection of the language camp (Sara)

First of all, I would like to say that the negotiation camp has been a wonderful experience for me. Through this camp, I have learnt a lot and experienced things that I may not be able to experience with if we did not have this negotiation camp. So I would like to use this opportunity to thank everyone in Phoenixers for their hard work and cooperation, and for the memories we had made in the camp. (Insert sentimental music here)

Looking back, the negotiation camp has been a lot of fun, and it has taught us that perseverance and hard work is essential for organizing a program. Cooperation and mutual understanding of each other are also needed to ensure smooth sailing for the program.

On the part of being one of the Game Masters, I must say I was really nervous for the Ranking Game, as it was an idea from Mr G. I am even more nervous when I imagine that I am going to be in charge of the 54 participants of the camp for my slot. The nervousness stayed until a few minutes of the my slot, but I think I managed to handle the slot without much nervousness afterwards.

From my observation, the Ranking Game isn’t really a ‘lively’ game for the participants compared to the other games, because the need to strategize is very much apparent for this game. My slot is somewhat quiet compared to the others (along with the weather condition at that time), but I think the participants managed to play the game according to how it is supposed to be played.
All in all, I think it went well, although my slot can still use some improvement to make the atmosphere much more livelier when the participants are playing the game.

That is all from me, thank you.

1 comment:

sehaaa said...

Hi Sarah,

Maybe it is not as 'lively' as you thought because they just came back from the break, hence they still haven't got in the mood to play yet. And they started to pay attention when they knew that the game is related with their negotiation test next week. However, you did great!