Tuesday, January 29, 2002


This morning at 7.30am, Farhana and I drove off for a second meeting with the school. When we got there, we found out the the Puan Penolong Kanan ( the last person we last discussed the camp with) was off to Mecca for a month or so. Therefore, we had a meeting with the Guru Panithia Bahasa Inggeris and a few other English teachers.
We discussed about the following:
1. The food for the entire camp will be prepared by the school. The cost problem which was the issue in the last meeting, is solved. The school will now sponsor our breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
2. The children will be staying overnight in school with all the facsilitators, so the tentative programme has to go through major alterations again. Due to this, the camp will be completed by 1.00pm on 3rd February, instead of 5.00pm. ACtivities on the 2nd will be extended till night time.
3. Accomodation is planned and prepared by the school. All students and facilitators will have to bring their own mats. Classrooms (or event the library) will be where everyone will sleep. Facilitators will sleep among students for safety purposes. Boys will be in a different block from girls. An almost equal number of boys and girls (participants) is expected, so male facilitators ....best of luck =)
4. Farhana and I had a grand tour around the school. Saw the hall, toilets, classrooms, canteen, and field. The hall is small, but sufficient, the field big, but soggy, the toilets few in number, but specklessly clean, the classrooms....well...just like classrooms. We made several polite requests on the way we wanted the hall and classrooms, and all were graciously accepted with promises.
5. We checked out the backdrop of the hall. It was only a blackboard, but would look very becoming with the artistic touch of some talented facilitators. Sleeping chambers are yet to be determined by the teachers, but we are definitely sleeping in either the classrooms or the library.
I observed that there were no pails/ scoops ('gayung') to bathe with. =) will have to bring our own i guess. THats all i remember for now, although we talked about a whole bunch of things this morning. THe trip there was uneventful as there was only 2 of us this time round. Will report again soon. BYE!

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