Saturday, February 25, 2006

Reflection of playday

Well, I felt quite happy because the playday managed to be a successful event for all the 3rd year teslians. Congratulations to Bae & Co. for making a good job and especially to nurDALEAty, for being a great team partner, your willingness to share your brilliant ideas with me and make our Guess it! game done well.
I personally think that playday could be a best platform for the teslians to share lots of ideas, comments and feedbacks with each other according to the games we have been exposed to. We managed to learn our game?s strengths and weaknesses and improved our skills on how to handle the game in way that is more appropriate during the language camp later.
In addition, to all the teslians, I want to allocate my gratitude for your co-operation and support in creating our Guess it! game lively.
Finally yet importantly, to Mr.g, I?m sorry to say this, but you need to try to remember all the teslians? name and never make we feel like we are out of the community. So, better check it out before the camp begin..
                                                            - oshin @ nurdayanaizyan -

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