Monday, September 27, 2004

Feedback from teachers/ participants of the one hour elt-blog workshop.

it's increadible!! very beneficial to each of us. keep up a good job. nenny marlina bte hj zainuddin Email 09.25.04 - 12:31 am #

dear mr. g,glad dat at last we have a GREAT digital lab... nurulha abdul rahman Email 09.25.04 - 12:32 am #

Still remember me?Miss ur language games class so much!!! banchee Email 09.25.04 - 12:33 am #

it's very pleasant to be here! learning a new things, its a new paradigm in teaching english! nenny marlina bte hj zainuddin Email 09.25.04 - 12:34 am #

This comment is not helpful. ong teow chong 09.25.04 - 12:36 am #

i enjoyed this workshop very much! how i wish i could be one of the students in UTM! nenny marlina bte hj zainuddin Email 09.25.04 - 12:36 am #

Sometimes I feel as if the software may not be that useful to people who do not have the linguistics prerequisites. ong teow chong 09.25.04 - 12:37 am #

thousands of compliments to Mr Abd Rahim & mr ghazali for giving us this wonderful opportunity. thanks a lot !! nenny marlina bte hj zainuddin Email 09.25.04 - 12:40 am #

The use of ICT in a classroom or in teaching and learning is like a breath of fresh air especially for students in felda areas where I am teaching now for it will give them variations in learning experiences. I just can't wait for the completion of the new computer lab so that I myself can learn and share new things with them. Normah Saruji 09.25.04 - 12:41 am #

the entry is not helpful Anonymous 09.25.04 - 12:32 am #

The entry is not grammatically accurate.Lack in important points which we should have to make it more meaningful. man 09.25.04 - 12:39 am #

Q:ICT is for every one to enjoy but what about the leftovers? there some in the suburban and vilages?2 me we have to go there often to give this ICT information to enable them to learn more about ICT. mohd amin bin arudin Email 09.25.04 - 12:39 am #

been there done that sara Email 09.25.04 - 12:34 am #

weblog is one way of showing students' creativity norzarina 09.25.04 - 12:39 am #

a very good research. well done! yati 09.25.04 - 12:37 am #

It is true that writing a journal is one of the best techniques used to improve students ability of mastering the second language. But I do wonder why there some scientific opinions expressed in the public that writing a journal or diaries do stress your minds and it is not adviseable to those who are having hypertensions problems. Do you agree with that?Is it possible to implement it in schools especially in the rural areas? atinsuy Email 09.25.04 - 12:40 am #

This digital lab is real fanstastic and this weblog will able to give opportunity to students to build up their confidence to interact with other people. ahlina Email 09.25.04 - 12:43 am #

from my personal point of view, journal writing is a mechanism to enhance student's writing ability. giving them certain or specific topic to write, will limit them to our idea, so let them choose the topic. It will encourage them to think and it'll encourage them to be creative students. mr.k Email 09.25.04 - 12:38 am #

Just want to share my opinion on implementing writing journal in class (or outside of class).I found this method as a way to help students gain confidence and improve their writing skills. I myself have used it with my students (for academic writing purposes during my study)and i find that they enjoyed it and some of them improved, from just a few sentences to longer paragraphs. It is a fun way of learning and improving the language. SUHANA ABD WAHID 09.25.04 - 12:38 am #

i agree that j-writing can help students improve their writing skills. i've used it and hopefully more teachers will follow suits. SUHANA 09.25.04 - 12:42 am #

Jounal writing could be introduced to primary school pupils of different level of ability provided the teacher does not inhibit the writers in the aspect of grammar and quality of writing. malini none 09.25.04 - 12:42 am #

long live english!!! rony Email 09.25.04 - 12:36 am #

It can be improved Anonymous 09.25.04 - 12:36 am #

hello mr.g....i am one of your students...i'm now a teacher and i applied 98% whatever you have taught me in my class and the students like it very much. 'Rhyme time' you remember? and we have to rap on it like in movie 8 mile... anonymous Email 09.25.04 - 12:39 am #

this blog is interesting and interactive,and it encourages the user to do their journal and give feed back to the other journal.But, for your website, i have to scroll down to read all the text.perhaps you can do something to make your website more interesting! fatimah Email 09.25.04 - 12:41 am #

congratulations! This course has given me a new insight on teaching English creatively. It has given me an out-of-the box perspective in teaching the language. oa/04 09.25.04 - 12:40 am #

Hi Teslian! So how's your life? I'm here at Pasir Gudang , Johor Bahru is fine. Hope you guys are fine. any new news? Do keep in touch. Bye... jihan Email 09.25.04 - 12:33 am #

hello UTM! I'm back now!!!!! jihan Email 09.25.04 - 12:37 am #

nor said...
If you guys need my help, call me at this table no. 29. From: Jihan
12:38 PM

nor said...
HI everyone! my name is Norjihan. I'm a former UTM Teslian.
12:36 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, everybody..
presently i am taking this language game course with Mr.G. We will be having our English Camp this march!! I can't wait to have the excitement you all have described!!