Tuesday, December 15, 2015

My responsibilities for the language camp

Hello everyone!

Before the negotiation camp begins, we have divided jobs and tasks to each person in the class. Everyone has their own responsibilities before, during and after the negotiation camp. For myself, I have been assigned to the task of multimedia together with my friend, Intan. Before the negotiation camp, we do not have much to be done for our part. But we need to make sure all the cameras are available and well-functioned to prevent any other technical problems during the camp. Our jobs and tasks are mostly during the camp so we have to be ready physically and mentally before taking good pictures and videos.

We have to do some research on the steps of taking a good photo which shows on the peoples' emotion and reaction. We will going to be captured of everyone's emotions to make all the photos seem alive. We have learned some tips and techniques to record a good and high quality video for the documentation of the negotiation camp. Besides, we have gone through on several suitable questions to be asked in the interview with the participants, the facilitators, the game masters, and the lecturer as well.

Me and Intan duties are more on during the camp. So before the camp begins, we was helped the others with the tasks in order to make sure the camp will run smoothly.

1 comment:

Siti Sarah said...

I think the preparation for the multimedia part was good because we have a few different cameras available for use for the video recording and picture taking.