Sunday, December 20, 2015

My responsibilities for the negotiation camp (Seha)

Hello everyone.

As for the language camp that has been held on 12th December, I played the role as assistant director and facilitator. For the camp, Shafiq and I have to work to work together a lot in dividing the tasks to our classmates and also thinking out the list of works that have to be done before the big day. Some of the works that we have to look into is the budget of the camp (on how to raise the budget for the camp), the venue of the camp (which place is suitable and available at the time), the participants of the camp (this is our huge worry!), the tentative of the programme, the games that suitable to be used in the camp, and many more things that have to be taken into account such as the programme book and the gifts for the participants.

Luckily, Mr G has make it easier for us since he has provided the participants for the camp. But, there are still a lot of works to do in the preparation of the camp. Of course, we would not be able to make it on our own, hence we do the tasks together with our classmates by dividing the works. We also had conducted several meetings before the day of the camp to discuss about the preparations of the camp such as selecting the games, played the games so that all of us are familiar with the rules of the games, discussing any problems that arises and updating the progress of the preparations.

Since I am also the facilitator of the camp, so I have to familiarize myself with the rules of the games that will be played in the camp and practising on how to give the instructions. I have also to familiarize myself with the marks division for every games.

1 comment:

estherfrancis said...

Hye Seha,

I think that you have done your best as the facilitator for your group. Chang and you help each other to handle the group which makes them feel excited to participate well in the games. We were thankful to Mr.G because he helped us for the participants of the camp. Without cooperation and supports from everyone, we wouldn't know what might happen to us.