Sunday, December 20, 2015

One day before the language camp (Shafiq)

Salam and greetings to everyone…

This post discusses the situation before the actual day of the camp. One of the biggest issue that we faced on the final day before the camp was the key to the hall situation. The boys from the Silat group had taken the key and it was in their possession at first. They made it difficult when initially, they refused to give up. But after few negotiating tactics and several phone calls made to the college’s office.

Lucky for us, we had several group members that were good in negotiation, namely Dzamir and Chang. Let us all remember that if it was not because of them, our program may not be able to continue since we do not have any other option around here in terms of location.

Apart from the key matter, the program books were also being finished printed on the day before the camp and other minor preparations also took place on the evening. The game masters also took the chance to practice their explanation skill which was led by the Gaming commissioner, Sarah.

All in all, the day before the language camp was rather tame since most of the important works were done earlier. Minor preparation ran smoothly and mostly efficient.


sehaaa said...
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sehaaa said...

LOL, everyone could not forget the incident! We even practised the negotiation skill before the camp. However, Alhamdulillah everything went well on that day. Good job Mr Director! :)

Unknown said...

I think it will be better if you allowed girls to handle it. Haha, but then it's okay, you, dzamir and chang did a great job by the way. *a big grand applause*
Negotiation Camp wouldn't have succeed without the Hall!