Sunday, December 20, 2015

My Reflection of the Language Camp (Aliya)

Hi everyone!

Finally, the day had arrived. It's the day for the Language Camp!
We stayed at Dewan Merdeka, Kolej Rahman Putra since morning until evening, walked around the hall, mingled among ourselves and with the participants, conducted the sessions and finally the camp came to an end.

One word to describe what I felt at the end of the day:

It's a simple word, but I really felt that way. Although we were tired, but I guess everyone had fun doing this event together. We noticed our flaws, but I know that everyone had done their very best. So, I was very satisfied.

The Game Masters

That morning, all the game masters were nervous. Hence, we gathered and cheered each other up. Alhamdulillah during our sessions, the facilitators cooperated really well, helping our sessions to go smoothly. We did find it difficult to give instructions clearly. From that, we learnt to rephrase our sentences to explain the instruction in a simpler way. 

Oh hey, that's me conducting The Betrayal Game.
Arifah was by my side, writing the money scores

While I was not carrying out my responsibility as the Game Masters, I played many other roles, such as being an extra facilitator, a photographer and the DJ (to decide on the songs to be played in the speaker). I believe that many other facilitators played many roles as well, to keep ourselves busy by helping others, making sure our sessions to go smoothly. This is because everyone was always ready to receive orders or fulfill requests from our director, the game master in charge of a session and the facilitators. We also interacted with the participants to encourage them to converse more in English as on of the objectives of this camp is to enhance their English speaking skill.

Overall, I have learnt many things from this camp. I am grateful that Mr. G had given us the opportunity to organize this camp. Organizing this had enrich our experience and knowledge both in management and English language skills. It was interesting that because we were so used to speaking in English during the programme, we continued speaking in English in our room. haha. However, the best part is, handling this programme together with fellow TESLians had tighten our bond. May our friendship lasts forever :)

Alright. That's all.
Thank you TESLians.
Thank you Mr. G.
Thank you Allah.

One Day before the Language Camp (Aliya)

Salam and hi, people! *bows to everyone *smiles widely

Now let me share about our preparation a day before the Language Camp, which was on Friday.

A day before the camp, I went out with my roommate and game-masters-mate, Arifah to buy the materials for our games. We went to AEON, Taman Universiti. We were lucky because there were promotions and discounts for Year End Sale and Back to School promotion. Therefore, the stationary was a bit cheaper. *WIN!

That evening, we had a final meeting with all committee members. All committee gave updates on their progress. Then, Shafiq, Dzamir and Chang told us about the problem on our event venue. We were all feeling angry towards the other party, but tried to keep our head cool. Because it was only one day before the programme, most would feel stressed. I realized that it was important to be calm in that situation so that other committees would not feel so stressed out, especially the ones having problems. Alhamdulillah the problems were settled after several times of negotiation and discussion.

After the big meeting, the game masters had a final meetup to rehearse our session, especially on the way we give instruction for our games. Even during the rehearsal, we were feeling nervous because we could already imagine how we would be in front of everyone, conducting the game. After all of the game masters are done rehearsing, Sarah highlights on several things that we need to take note of. Then, she wished us good luck. Finally, we went back to our room as night approached.

That night, Arifah and I prepared our materials in our room together. I prepared the mini whiteboard, mahjong paper for the 'money' scoreboard and presentation slides for The Betrayal Game.

The Slides

After that, we rested and got some beauty sleep as we need to use a lot of energy for the camp on the day!

To be continued...


First of all, I would like to say that 'Negotiation Camp' was indeed a wonderful experience for me. There are  a lot of experience, lesson be it life lesson or teaching and learning lesson for me,  joy and beautiful stories behind it. So, here I conclude everything into words:

  • 2 of the participants happen to be my neighbors, which I never talk to them and they don't even try to talk to me as well. Before the camp, we were like strangers. But then the camp had changed everything, we start to each other during the camp and even now they still call me 'Akak Faci'. 
  • I learn that there are many creative ways in giving a clear instruction to the participant. There are no restricted way in giving instruction. As the facilitator, we must aware of it in order to make the participants understand of what we were trying to convey.
  • There are a lot of people out there who are more creative than us.
  • Games can make us closed. The Teslian for example, we start to know each other well when organizing the event.
  • beautiful moment is a created moment, it don't just happen.
So, that's all from me, Adios.

Sincerely Me,



One upon a time, there was a girl who trying to greet everyone by saying, 

"Holaaaaa Everyone"

*heart beating fast while trying to remember what I did 24 hours before the negotiation camp*

The only one sentence that can describe me, myself and I just before the Negotiation Camp is 


I really really really can't sleep.
I was so excited.
I was not confident of my own capability (read: whether I can handle it well or not)
I was so tired because that day happen to be 'Hari Merentas Desa' and all the Teslian were the organizer for that event as well.
I was so unprepared. 
Last but not least, I was so over thinking I guess. That's why I can't sleep well that night before the Negotiation Camp. 
I was just can't help myself. Teehee T.T

Sincerely Me, 


My reflection on the camp (Shafiq)

Assalamualaikum and greeting fellow Phoenixers. 

After the language camp, there are several outcome which I consider as my personal gain.
First of all, the language camp taught me how to become an effective leader. As future teachers which are also soon to be role models, being a good leader is a good personal factor. Having to deal with people of many sorts are the kinds of knowledge that we could never have during classroom lectures.

Second, from this camp I realize that creativity in teaching is very important to make the teaching and learning more effective. In the world today where most learners are computer literate, normal chalk-and-talk method is applicable only for a short while. To keep the learner’s interested, the fusion of creativity and knowledge should be encouraged.

Next, I found this camp provided us with the opportunity to experience the situation of having learners learning the language through games. Most of the participants were cooperative although some of them may cause issues. During this opportunity, it is up to us to make sure that the learners would gain something from this session.

All in all, the language camp was an opportunity for us to learn how to conduct our own language camp. We realized that the old, orthodox way of learning may not be as effective as the newly developed language curriculum. We also realized that this camp was also a chance for us to make ourselves more than just teachers.

My Responsibilities for the Language Camp (Aliya)

Hi, everyone!

In this post, I'm going to share about my responsibilities for the Language Camp. During our first meeting, we held an election to choose the committee members for the camp. Shafiq was chosen as our director while Seha, our vice-director. As for me, initially, I was given the responsibility to be in charge of the Food and Hygiene committee, together with Arifah. Fatin was also assigned under our committee. However, a few weeks later, we were informed that we did not have to prepare the food for participants to cut our expenses. Hence, because we have less job, Arifah, Fatin and I were assigned to be under the Activity committee, in which the people in charge were Sarah and Esther.

During our third or fourth (can't remember accurately) meeting, we discussed on the activities to be done in the camp. A lot of ideas were proposed by our friends, including the games that were actually carried out during the camp. At first, I came to the meeting with a blank mind, not having of any idea to propose of the activities. However, after listening to the others' ideas, an idea suddenly popped out of my mind. It was the game I once played when I attended a camp during secondary school. Back then, the game was called 'Game Saham' or 'Stock Game'. I proposed this game in the meeting. After the concept of the game was explained, we named this game 'The Betrayal Game'.

Since I proposed this game, I automatically became one of the game masters. I feel powerful having that title *proud*. But with great power, comes great responsibility. Now I have to conduct the game during the camp! Aaaaaaaaa~! I was feeling nervous, but The Betrayal Game received positive feedbacks from my friends, so it raised my confidence :)

From a member of the Committee of Food and Hygiene to a Game Master.

I will further write about my experience as a game master in the next post. Till then!

One day before the language camp (Shafiq)

Salam and greetings to everyone…

This post discusses the situation before the actual day of the camp. One of the biggest issue that we faced on the final day before the camp was the key to the hall situation. The boys from the Silat group had taken the key and it was in their possession at first. They made it difficult when initially, they refused to give up. But after few negotiating tactics and several phone calls made to the college’s office.

Lucky for us, we had several group members that were good in negotiation, namely Dzamir and Chang. Let us all remember that if it was not because of them, our program may not be able to continue since we do not have any other option around here in terms of location.

Apart from the key matter, the program books were also being finished printed on the day before the camp and other minor preparations also took place on the evening. The game masters also took the chance to practice their explanation skill which was led by the Gaming commissioner, Sarah.

All in all, the day before the language camp was rather tame since most of the important works were done earlier. Minor preparation ran smoothly and mostly efficient.

My responsibilities for the language camp (Shafiq)

Salam and good evening everyone…
In this post, I am going to talk about my responsibilities for the language camp. As the director of this edition of the language camp, my responsibilities were to ensure that everything is in order for the actual day of the camp.

Before the camp actually took place, sorting out the division of work must be done properly so that everyone would have a chance to shine and to ensure that everyone would be involved. Next was to ensure that we have the right kind of activities that fit the description of our participants. Several meetings with the lecturer, Mr. G to give him the updates and also to discuss the games, rules and other details of the camp. It was also my responsibility to oversee most of the work done by my colleagues. This was to ensure everything is in order before the actual day.

During the language camp, apart from overseeing the games conducted by the game masters, I was also responsible in conducting the transition session between the games. I think I did okay as an impromptu emcee but I am not really sure. What do you think?

There were several challenges faced by all of us along the way. For instance, the key to the hall was not in our possession until the last minute of the day before the camp. It was challenging because we had to deal with several entities that have different opinions on the matter. But luckily, we had an effective team to deal with every problems that faced. Apart from this, there were also other matters that we had to deal with.

All in all, the language camp ran smoothly in my opinion. Because of this, the credit should never goes to me alone since I have a very effective crew member for the whole camp. Thank you everyone and it was a privilege to work with all of you. 

What do I learned from the training session (Shafiq)

Salam and hello everyone…

Training sessions were the part when we got to experience the game of our choosing to be tested by ourselves. There several things that we could consider to be the things that we learn throughout the sessions.

First of all, we all learn that teaching the English language should never be done through lecture alone. We learn that even through the simplicity of playing certain games, language learning could still take place.

Second, we also learn to think on our feet. In real situations, things could change in a matter of seconds. As a good teacher and facilitator, we need to be able to think fast and make the right decisions in the shortest possible time.

Thirdly, time management is the most important thing when we do a game session or even teaching. This is to prevent drag time and prevent time wastage in class. Efficient facilitators always keep a good track of time when a game session is conducted.

All in all, training session taught us a lot. The statements above are some of the outcomes that we got. But the true number of outcomes are endless if you ask me. It is up to us to take whichever how we see fit. 


Bonjour Tanjouras!

It's me greeting you guys. Still on the Negotiation Camp because i still can move on from that fantastically superb amazing camp that I've ever been to. Okay it may be a lil bit exaggerating but Oh God I can't help myself. (read: Ya, I did exaggerated >..<)

So, for this post, I will tell you guys my responsibility for the Negotiation Camp. Before the camp started, I am the treasurer! Yeahhh, in Malay we called it 'Ah Long Lintah Darat'. Nah, I am not going to describe how 'lintah darat' I am in order to collect money but I will tell you guys how hard it is to organize a camp in a very limited budget. As for your information, the Negotiation Camp was held without any fund from the faculty or even HEMA other than our own money. So, we have agreed that everyone should have paid me RM10 (read: it's a huge amount of money you know). I managed to collect RM210, and it is all the money that we hvae to buy everything for example like materials for the games, hampers and so on. If you ask me whether it's enough or not, let me tell ya, NO, IT'S NOT! In fact I have to use our class money. But then it's not a big deal, as long as everything run smoothly. Yes, It did and am so thankful for it. God has paid our money with a valueless memory that we ever had. Can't thank Him more for that.

So, during the Negotiation Camp, I was one of the facilitator for the most 'Gay' group from all the other groups. And because the word 'Gay' as well, we lost a huge amount of stars for that game. Ya, I admit that it's my fault as I was a bit clueless to handle the game, thus I was unable to help. Duhh...but then we managed to redeem all the stars lose in the next games especially from the games of 'Fact or Fiction'.

Last but not least, I want more Language Camp please. It's super fun. Indeed.

Adios. xoxo.

One Day before the Language Camp~

Hi everyone, 

On the day before the language camp, we have held a final meeting. This is to make sure everything for the programme runs smoothly and any problems could be avoided. During the final meeting, we clarify everything and the games masters give briefing for a clearer understanding on each of the games provided. Apart from that, we also solved the problem for the venue of the programme. There was a sudden changed that our programme was overlapping with the programme held by martial arts club. All of us were stressed out and tried to overcome the problem in a professional way. Luckily, we did solve the problem after negotiating with one of the martial art members.

The game masters also prepared their final materials for the language camp. The facilitators were informed about any changes made for the games. We hoped that everything would turn perfectly for the day of the language camp.  

My reflection of the language camp (Sara)

First of all, I would like to say that the negotiation camp has been a wonderful experience for me. Through this camp, I have learnt a lot and experienced things that I may not be able to experience with if we did not have this negotiation camp. So I would like to use this opportunity to thank everyone in Phoenixers for their hard work and cooperation, and for the memories we had made in the camp. (Insert sentimental music here)

Looking back, the negotiation camp has been a lot of fun, and it has taught us that perseverance and hard work is essential for organizing a program. Cooperation and mutual understanding of each other are also needed to ensure smooth sailing for the program.

On the part of being one of the Game Masters, I must say I was really nervous for the Ranking Game, as it was an idea from Mr G. I am even more nervous when I imagine that I am going to be in charge of the 54 participants of the camp for my slot. The nervousness stayed until a few minutes of the my slot, but I think I managed to handle the slot without much nervousness afterwards.

From my observation, the Ranking Game isn’t really a ‘lively’ game for the participants compared to the other games, because the need to strategize is very much apparent for this game. My slot is somewhat quiet compared to the others (along with the weather condition at that time), but I think the participants managed to play the game according to how it is supposed to be played.
All in all, I think it went well, although my slot can still use some improvement to make the atmosphere much more livelier when the participants are playing the game.

That is all from me, thank you.

One more ride please.

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

For this post, I'll talk about what have I learned from the Language Camp. We all know that there are several ways to counter the problems that we were having during the camp. To begin with, we all know that we have a slight problem when giving instruction to the participants. Some of us may say that we have problems with language proficiency but I do not think that is the problem. I think most of us were just nervous and anxious when talking in front of strangers especially when the strangers really have a good grid of the language. As for that, we might be intimidated by them and instead of helping us to focus on giving instruction, our mind flew away into thinking how these strangers view us as a TESL students. And that ladies and gentlemen is how we got cold sweat, sweaty palm, increasing heartbeat, anxiety, nausea, headache, and lastly, the best part, vomiting in front of people that we barely know. BAM! Just like that and we wake up feeling confuse how do we get to PKU at the first place. It may feel like you are falling in love with someone or you crush is just winking at you but that is not the case here. It is just you and that annoying anxiety succeeding in pulling your leg. However, what you guys did in the hall that day was brave. And I know it is even hard for me to do so. The only thing that I can say to you guys out there is, " Soldiers, it was a great honor for me to fight along your side and I salute you!"

You guys are crazy for being able to talk in front of strangers you know? Do not stop being crazy.

My wish is always with you and I will always fight any other Karate Kids for you. One last ride please.


Holla Mi Amor,

It's me again greeting you guys. So, this time I would like to share of what have I learn from the training session. I put everything in bullet so that it's easier for all my Mi Amor to read >..<

  • I learn that we have to listen carefully to instruction from game masters in order for us to give a bit more clear instruction to our participants in group (read: me happen to be a facilitator that day, so I have to deal will the participants, a lot)
  • keep our positive face if we don't want to receive any negative face from the participants (read: what you give, you get back)
  • clear instructions doesn't mean that we have to follow every sentences from booklet, a clear instruction means, the participants under you must have aware of what they should or have to do in order to complete the task given.
  • I also learn that, a great preparation beforehand is a must for every facilitator, because on that particular day, we will receive thousand questions regarding the games (read: not all the participants can get what are we trying to convey, somehow they asked a lot!)
Okay, that's all from me. Adios
Sincerely Me, Ain. xoxo. 

One day before the language camp (Sara)

Hello, bonjour and konnichiwa to everyone! Hehe.

On the day before the language camp, we have held a final meeting for a final briefing and clarifications before the D-Day arrived. However, as many of us have probably mentioned, we ran into some unexpected trouble, in which the venue for the negotiation camp have conflicted with the people from the martial arts club. The tension in the atmosphere was high, and you could almost hear the tension in the air crackle (nah okay I am just exaggerating). The issue was somewhat safely handled, however, so we went on with other things we need to discuss with for the final touch ups.

We Game Masters also convened a meeting between us Game Masters and facilitators to practice on how to deliver the instructions for each game, and to smooth out whatever clarification that needs to be answered before the execution of the game on the next day.

My responsibilities for the language camp (Sara)

Hello everyone!

For the language camp, I was in the activity committee, as such, I am responsible to oversee the activities and games that we are going to play in the negotiation camp. Before the negotiation camp took place, we had held a meeting to decide on the possible games that we can include in the camp, excluding the Ranking Game and the WereTiger Game. As such, I am responsible in ‘collecting’ the games and discuss with the rest regarding the selection of the games we are going to play. The games were chosen based on a few criteria. For example, the game that should be chosen must first be easily understood by everyone, and it should be easy enough to understand for our future participants for the negotiation camp. The games should also be interesting so as to reel in the participants interest and motivation to play the game. Aside from that, we also have to take account on the time frame given to us, that is, the game must be executable in the length of one hour, and in unexpected cases, what are the variants that we could try in case we have to make the game longer or cut it shorter.

After the games are decided, I was tasked to go and meet Mr G to ask for the approval on the games, along with our director, Syafiq and our co-director Seha. Some rectifications are the made with the advice of Mr G, and the games are then finalized.

The next task for me is to assign a ‘Game Master’ for each of the games that we have decided for the camp. The title ‘Game Master’ here refers to the main facilitator that will be the one who understands the rule of the game thoroughly, and they will be the ones that the other facilitator (assigned for the groups) will turn to if they have any problem with the game the Game Master is assigned with. As such, the Game Masters selected are the people that came up with the games that have been finalized for the camp. In the cases of the Ranking Game and the WereTiger Game, the Game Masters are me and Fatin respectively, as we are deemed to be the ones that understands the rules of the respective games the most. Of course, the selection of the Game Masters are on mutual agreement of all of the committee of the negotiation camp.

On the day of the negotiation camp, my job is to see that the games are going smoothly, and that the participants can participate in the games while also being able to have fun. So I went around the groups, asking if they have any problems, and try to clarify it for them. I also worked with the other Game Masters if they have any problems and glitches in their game and tries to come up with counter measures for those problems with them.

On that note, as I have stated above, I was the Game Master for the Ranking Game. In all seriousness, I was very nervous in being the Game Master for the game because it was an idea from Mr G and I was so afraid in screwing up the game or something along those line. I tried my best to stay true to how the game is supposed to be however, so I think there’s not much problem with the game.

Another minor role I had for the camp is in helping Kak Fad with the program book, as our class’ Grammar Nazi. :P I am sorry for the still existent grammar mistakes though. I think a new Grammar Nazi needed. Hahaha.

What do I learn from the training (Sarah)

Hello everyone!

For the training session, I was in the same group as Esther, in which we played the game of Endless Story. In my opinion, the game has a very interesting concept and I was looking forward to play it with the rest of class for the training session. The session was, however, slightly different then what I imagined it to be (nervous laugh). This is because halfway through the game, the atmosphere became somewhat tense because the participants seem to be a bit uncomfortable by the fact that sentences made by them will be corrected in front of all to see. Looking back, I understand why they would feel that way, but in my opinion, the corrections are essential for the students to be able to learn what their mistakes are.  All’s well that ends well, though, as I think the participants still manage to enjoy the game even when they are being nervous about the possible grammar mistakes they might do.

As such, the lessons I have learnt from the training session is that what we imagined from writing the lesson may not be translated exactly when it is carried out in reality. This is because the way in how we handle the class and the participants are factors that can turn your ideal lesson plan haywire if not handled properly. Another thing I have learnt is that the participants may feel that they are not confident if they are being evaluated based on grammar or speaking skills, so the teacher have to be aware of this and assures them that it is normal to feel that way, but they don’t have to feel that way as we learn by mistakes. The teacher should also give encouragements to them in order to make them feel secure and confident when participating in games that require them to come up front or grammar based games that might make them feel embarrassed about themselves.

My reflection of the negotiation camp (Seha)

I feel so relieved after we have finished with the camp. I think all of us did a great job in the camp. As for me, this is my first time being a facilitator for a language camp. It is a very good experience for me and I learned a lot from it. In the camp, I am one of the facilitators in charge and I took care of the group of Homogenous (which is the best group of the camp, yeay!). Since the participants in my group consists of students from two different faculties, I tried to break the silence by asking questions to them and making jokes (which is so lame, whatever as long as they feel comfortable to talk to me). In order to encourage them to talk in English, I would ignore the mistakes that they did or I would correct it by rephrasing the sentences with the correct way. I would also encourage them to speak by offering stars and guiding them on what to say in the negotiation.

I think that all the games that we have played are beneficial for them to improve their negotiation skills. I like the idea of the stars reward where everybody would get stars even if they lose in the game. In this way, the participants will not be demotivated to play another game. However, since the tentative is quite packed, I can see that their participation in the games dropped especially when we are playing the Betrayal game, the last game before lunch break. I think that maybe we should have provide some sweets for them for refreshments (because I know they were hungry, as I were hungry too). Other than that, I can see that the role of facilitators for every group is crucial because the participants might not interested to participate and they also might have difficulties in understanding the rules of the games. Hence, it is up to us to lift their moods and provide guidance on what to be done in the game.

To summarise, I had fun in this camp because the participants of my group were very active and they cooperate well with each other, although they are from different faculties. I believed that everyone who participated in the camp learned something from each other; the participants can improve their negotiation skills while we can improve our leadership and how to manage a camp.

One day before the negotiation camp (Seha)

A day before the language camp was held, my classmates and I have conducted a final meeting to make sure that every preparation is going smoothly. However, we are having a slight problem regarding the venue of the camp since there is another event will be held on the same time! The atmosphere was quite tense at that time since we have booked the venue earlier than the other party that held the event. However, we tried to stay calm and negotiate it nicely with the other party so that we can use the hall (see, we practiced negotiation in the real situation a day before the negotiation camp, hehe). Thank God, finally we have managed to settle it down with the help from others. Okay, case closed.

The other preparations such as the materials needed for the camp, the gifts for the participants, and the programme book have already settled on that day. We just have to mentally prepare ourselves to be the facilitator in the camp. Hence, the master games and the facilitators have come out with practises on how to giving clear instructions to the participants since this is the hardest task that we have for that day (I think so). 

My Reflection on the Negotiation Game~

Hi everyone!

After those hard works and supports from each other, my classmates and I have finished the language camp. Yeah! It was an awesome experience for all of us because that was our first language camp. We were relieved after the language camp and lots of memories we can keep together. Well, as usual we learn a lot from the programme. I believe that everyone has their own perspectives towards the language camp. Some might be better left unsaid, and most of it should be stated so that everyone can understand our strengths and weaknesses in handling a programme.

First of all, one of the good thing that I found before, during and after the language camp is the team work. My classmates and I helped each other to make sure the programme went well. We give enough supports that no one would feel isolated in handling any responsibility that they have. We understand the feeling of supporting and motivating each other. That is also a good way to keep us maintain our relationship and unity. We do not face the problem of misunderstanding which is a very good thing for us.

The second strength is I noticed that we do not easily give up when there were problems existed. As an example, we managed to solve the problem for the venue of the programme successfully. I admit that some of my friends are very good in negotiating with other parties. They are matured enough that they can negotiate professionally without having any bad arguments regarding to the problem. I am glad for that!

For this language camp, one of the weaknesses that I found is that the participants were not really interested and motivated to join the language camp. Some of them joined the programme because it is compulsory for them. This is quite frustrating for us because we put efforts for the program. We tried to make the language camp to be interesting and fun as possible. As example, we provided songs and lyrics for the participants to ensure they still participate well in each of the game that we have planned.  Some of the participants were distracted and sleepy during the games, that hurts us a lot! But, in another way, I’m glad that we managed to finish the games for them.

Another issue is that I noticed that we should pay more attention for the preparation of the programme book. This is because there were a few mistakes in the booklet. To avoid that problem, we should check the book more than once before it is printed out. The participants might be confused if there were mistakes in the book especially for the lesson plans. They were most probably misunderstanding the games because what being written on it was not the same with what we demonstrated to them.

Everyone have tried their best in conducting each game. I believed that the language camp is successful with the hardship shown by each of us.