Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Coursework Marks for PKK53

Marks \ Number
52 N/403937
50 N/403915
55 N/404164
54 N/404232
52 N/404166
52 N/404170
45 N/404194
48 N/404196
47 N/404200
49 N/404202
53 N/404254
49 N/404264
49 N.404212
46 N/404190
47 N/404210
48.5 N/404256
45.5 N/404162
48.5 N/40418
44.5 N/404228
46.5 N/404248
49 N/404182
46 N/404224
46 N/404226
49 N/404240
52 N/404250
45 N/404222
47 N/404218
44 N/404260
44 N/404172
43 N/404180
43 N/404174
43.5 N/404188
42.5 N/404184
42.5 N/404168
44.5 N/403985
46.5 N/404176
43 N/404230
41 N/404216
41 N/404258
42 N/404208
40 N/404204
44 N/403991
50 N/404252
45 N/404214
45 N/404160
47 N/404220


  1. Learn how to describe and analyse data.
  2. Study how to write conclusions and recommendations.
  3. Master the skills required to produce headings and subheadings.
  4. Give approprite numbers to your headings and subheadings.