Saturday, October 18, 2014

Charades Lesson Plan for Language Camp B

a.       To introduce new vocabularies to the students.
b.      To inculcate the value of “Teamwork” among the group members.
2.      LEVEL:  Beginner
3.      LANGUAGE:
a.       Thinking skill
b.      Prior knowledge
c.       Reading skill
4.      DURATION:  30 minutes
5.      MATERIALS:
a.       Stopwatch (Use each facilitator's handphone)
b.      Paper strips
c.       Envelope
6.      PROCEDURE:
a.      Briefing
·         There will have two groups competing with each others. 
·         The facilitator will introduce and explain the rules of the game. The rules are as follows:
                                                                    i.            Each group will select and send a representative to the front.
                                                                  ii.            Facilitator will give the clues. The clues are provided by the facilitator.
b.      Demo
                                                                iii.            The facilitator will act the first clue as the example and ask the student to answer.
                                                                iv.            The facilitator asks if there is any problem or things that unclear about the game.
c.       Playing the game
                                                                  v.            The representatives will be the one to act out the clues given by the facilitator to her/his group members.
                                                                vi.            He/she cannot say the words and mimic the sound. He/she also cannot say any words that lead to the answer of the clue. Only gestures and action are allowed.
                                                              vii.            If she/he blurred out the answer of the clue, the group will be penalized. (Marks deducted will be conducted).
                                                            viii.            Each group is allocated 5 minutes to do as many as the clues they could.
                                                                ix.            For each correct answer, 1 mark will be given.
                                                                  x.            Repeat Step v and Step ix for the next group.
                                                                xi.            The group that have the highest marks will win the game.
d.      Debriefing
                                                              xii.            The facilitator asks the students randomly what they think about the activity and what have they learnt from the game.
                                                            xiii.            The students respond to the questions.
                                                              i.      Instead of having verb and noun as the clues, the activity can be done by using idiom, adjectives, title of the movies, cartoon, books and singers.
                                                            ii.      Instead of having one group that can guess the answer, the other group should be given to guess the clues that cannot be answered by the previous group. 

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