Wednesday, September 03, 2003

My people skill is hanged on a thread! but, i will work it out because you are worth it! (fifth language camp entry)

This would be the fifth and the last posting to fulfill the course requirement. surely, i would end with a very nice and sweet message that every one will endear to.

So far, i have been to four language camps (nat a show off! cos some people will got more). going through all ups and downs in the camp, i think there has been a lot of changes in my personality. do you still remember that silent guy who used to hide himself in his own little world. not much than a green green grass easily blown by the wind! That was 2 years ago (start becoming livelier at third year) but know, i managed to grow out of the timid world of my own and appear to be a bit "big mouth" but that somehow rather depends on situation (don't believe me, try me, i am beautiful and bad :P) and i still consider myself as fragile cos my self-confidence is so unstable and fluctuate. I can go overboard sometimes, the other time, you may safely call me hopeless, because i admit it. Language camp becomes a paramount learning-centre for me.

I would say, i prefer more to Language camp in kaizen. where Kak jija and I were so succesful in giving a deep impact to our "children" :P. I think, a partner could be a crucial factor that affect my performance. I had a good time during the "ice breaking session" that happily telling you my progress during the first post mortem. I was so shocked that everybody expressed their unsatisfy feelings that time. well, it was so awesome ya'll. but i never know that a doom (this may be exaggerating) was waiting for me in the next camp. i was not in a good condition. Plus, a chronic cough was killing me. My self-esteem is at stake.

Being with you guys in the language camp is like a wonderful dream that i never wish to wake up (do i win the crown? this is a miss universe speech). All the memories we built are so much memorable and precious than a happily ever after fairy tale story. Want to ask you this? was that the language camp itself that made you so shining? or was it because the language camp and the one and only excellence organizer (this is a must) plus the beautiful people of our great fellow coursemates were there? what i believe in, the former sounds more to the answer. putting all of our brains together could cause a tornado of change. we are so good in this. we are complementing each other (can it be the other way round? like a silent destructor or something? :P). some of us are on their peak of their performance. people like me, there are a lot of things that i have to learn. the crucial one, my people skill. I know there will be twists and turns on the road ahead. but, believing in what i can do and what i can improve. it would be not much of a problem. with that, i will end by saying that all of you are a great people. Let us treasure all the memories in the language camp forever in our heart. i can't have enough for the language camp, actually, can we have another one?

p/s Mr. G. I am indebted with you a zillion thanx cos, you make me think a lot on what i am lacking in. Giving me lights to show me the way to the path of becoming a greater person. I give you a BiG-BiG smile.

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