Thursday, February 06, 2003

OOOHH...time is running up for us to send all our comments and of course, personal best web log. Well, I think all the entries are cool and interesting to read. So, it's quite sad that we need to post one best entry to get some points. hmmm..couldn't really decide which one from my upsaid as i cherish all my entries. Really personal messages there, oh ya, thank you for those who had give comments on my journal.


Q: What is true love? How can you tell if you are in love?
You know the feeling. You can tell when he walks into the room. You know just when she will be in. You wait for any sign of recognition, a smile maybe just a look. Is it love? It’s a CRUSH. Infatuation is usually based on external factors such as the looks or prestige of the other person. Some love relationships begin with infatuation but usually ‘the more solid relationships’ begin with the feelings of friendship’.

Q: Well, what is true love then?
Love is something that doesn’t happen at first sight. It grows over time with the relationship. True love revolves around shared goals and commitment, mutual support, trust and care towards each other and accepting with each other’s problems and flaws. If you really love someone, you’ll accept him/her the way he/she is and at the same time, tactfully pointing out his/her mistakes.

Q: How do you tell the person you are going with that you want to break up?
The best way is to be honest. Kindly and tactfully explain that you simply don’t want to continue the relationship. Gently explain that you don’t want to be tied down to one individual. You may want to offer to remain friends. It will be painful but the sooner and gentler you do it, the better.


Q: What do you do when a friend makes fun of you because of your appearance or your behaviour?
True friends don’t hurt their friends’ feelings knowingly. Try respectfully explaining your feelings and say exactly what bothers you. If the teasing continues, try ignoring the insults. If this person doesn’t stop bothering you, he/she is probably not really your friend and it’s time to look for a new friend who treats you with respect.

Q: How do you get people to accept you as a friend and allow you to join their group?
The best way is to get involved in school activities and meet people individually. You don’t have to try to break into some small, restrictive groups. You can be friendly to everyone and build many friendships. Be pleasing and have a warm, friendly personality. In time, you will develop friendship.

Q: What do you do when you lose a friend?
Sometime, friends ‘aren’t’ forever. Allow yourself time to mourn. Take time to let your feelings mend before jumping into another close friendship. You may want to turn to your other friends for help. You may also need to think about the break up and try to understand what happened and why. Sometimes, you realise that there wasn’t much to make you friends in the first place. A break up is not the end of the world. Try to look forward in making friends, better ones. Base your friendships on mutual giving of time, energy and affection. Then, if you go you separate ways, you will have a better outlook on friendship and on yourself. my dear friends, surely there'll be one best entry only, so I suggest that you guys read a particular entry in my journal entitled Frustration if all of us feel miserable and frust menonggeng when our entry is not voted as the best ok!

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