Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Good evening everyone, the game that I choose is “Password”. It is a simple game that enhances students’ vocabulary, thinking skills, listening skills, memories and speaking skills. One of the reasons I choose this game is because it is easy to play and it does not has limit the number of the player. As our target students are primary schools students, I think this game is really suitable for their age.
I have also included the lesson plan for Password game that I have adapted to suits the environment theme. The lesson plan is as below:
Language: Category the noun about environment in the group.
Skills: All the skills, based on listening and speaking
Control: Free
Level: all
Time: 30 minutes
Material: paper and pen
Preparation: None

Procedure:  Group work. One of the members in the group writes a thing (object) related to the environment according to the instruction. For example, he or she will write the name of the flower on the paper and it is a secret or calls it as password. Everyone in the group include the people who know the password will take turn say the name of the flower such as “ I am thinking of  …”. The person who can guess the password will lose in the game. The winner will be the last person in the group who never lose. Besides flower, there are some question such as please give the name of the animal that can fly, the name of the fruit, the things can be found in the field, and others.

1 comment:

Aliya K said...

Hi wong!
This is an interesting game. I agree that this will help in enhancing the students' vocabulary as students need to think of many words related to the theme. It can also be played in groups, so this has applied Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) as the students need to communicate with each other. This will give them more chance to converse in English with their friends :)