Monday, March 13, 2006

Last Minute Preparation

Hello everyone!
This week is the most hectic week I think that all of us have to go through. There are really lots of works and preparations to do before going for the language camp at Tanjung Bidara including assignments from other subjects that have to be done. Yet, this is what we call students? life, right? We are never apart from assignments! Haha..
For the last minute preparation before going for the camp at Tanjung Bidara, I have prepared the materials for my game that is ?The Magic Box?. My partner, Liza and I were busy preparing the coins, the clues and examples of Question Tag for the participants. We stayed late night in order to complete all the materials for our game.
Apart from that, I was also busy with the cheer practice. Before the camp, every evening we are having the cheer practice at the Kolej 13 hall. We were still practice our cheer at night before going to Tanjung Bidara. Thanks to Lenny for the spirit that you gave to us for the cheer. Also to all the cheer group members, we are rock dude! We practice so hard to make the cheer alive just for the language camp and hopefully we deserve it.
Last but not least, there are a few of us including me were practicing really hard for a surprise closing event. Sal, Baizura and I were struggling so hard to find good movements for the dance of our Camp Song that will be presenting at the closing event. We practiced the dance until late night to make the perfect dance. I would like to express my gratitude to all the ?dance team?, Sal, Bai, Wat, Mimi, Nini and Bae for the teamwork spirit of the dance team. Hehehe? we are all rock! Thank you so much guys! I will never forget the moments we practice the dance together. Love you all so much.
Truly, Madly and Deeply Me,

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