Monday, November 26, 2012

Ice Breaking

Hi every, since me and qila got the new job last Wednesday, now both of us will take over the ice breaking section as well. Me and qila already had discussion about the games we wanna play for the ice breaking section, and we come out with the game played by Mr G. As i recall, this is a simple game and only a little preparation are required. The only question is the numbers of students, because we need to divide groups as soon as possible. Any detail about the game, please read qila's post there!   


Luk Jing said...

Lin Han, there will be a total of 40 students. That means we will have 5 groups of 8. Please take note. :D

Chen Jing_Cest La Vie said...

NIce, cant wait for ur Game, which type of your game? and is there any extra money for use on the materials preparation ?

Miki-lingyao said...

for the ice breaking part, the main idea is help the students getting to know each other, and also its a chance for us to know the students, so maybe before the ice breaking section or during the ice breaking section, someone will introduce us to them to let them know us better.

Unknown said...

Hi. I agree with Ling Yao. Yes, we, the facis should introduce ourselves at the beginning of the program :)

kubra said...

hi Lin Han. if ım not mistaken the number students will be 50. I recommend that you can do ice breaking part funnier. you can add attractiveness not only simply get to know each other. good luck with it.

Teacher Fatima said...

Why do you need materials? I thought the ice-breaking session is mostly speaking because we need the students to feel comfortable and start to mix with us and their group members.

please think about this when you choose the ice-breaking games

Unknown said...

How about this, for the ice breaking game, I think all the facis should participate. In a group there should be 2 faci's at least. That way, They will get to know the faci's too. Agree ?

Teacher Fatima said...

You are Qila, we better discuss this on Wed after class.
