Sunday, November 18, 2012

Recruit Registration

Hi all there, this is LIN HAN. For program of language camp, during the process of language camp, i will work together with qila as a team of technical. And just like qila posted before, my job is run the errands and to make sure every procedure in that day can proceed as all of us planed. So in order to enhance the fluent of the camp and also to keep both me and qila's work going well, here's some tips for all of you guys:

1. Please list down the necessary equipment or teaching aids ahead of schedule to let us do the preparation. 

2. Before the presentation, please do the double check together with us to make sure everything is ready.

3. Find us immediately when the emergency happen, we will try our best to help you guys!   


kubra said...

hello Lin Han. I would like to ask you, guys: are you going to help us before the language camp or just during language you and your mate will help us for the process?

SuChing said...

I think you can pass the registration
tasks to me and Ling Yao as this is part of delegate servicing tasks.

And I notice that our tasks are similar. Let's work together.

Unknown said...

Hurm...ok then. You guys take care of the registration part. We are going to take care of the music and slides. alright? Just one thing though, make sure that you guys get the name list from Mr Ghazali. So that we will know how many that turn up that day. ok? :)