Friday, November 30, 2012

Discuss about station game

Dear all, besides as a photographer, I got another new job as a facilitator in station game section for this coming language camp. My job is to create a game or find a suitable game for this section and play with them.  As considered, each station has 20 minutes for each group since we have 40 fresh students attend this language camp. But, how many of them are male and how many of them are female? (I heard that girls are more than boys)
So in this section they will divide into 5 teams and each of the team will contain with eight people. Then I want you guys’ ideas about how to distribute them.
- How many boys or girls in one group?
-Will they have a team leader in per group?

Otherwise, I also want to know the rules in the station game section, it that a mark –collection period? That means each group play the game to gain the marks for their purpose and make them more competitive?

Or they only play the game for win and enjoy without the mark given?  I ‘m a kinda or blur in this boundary? Because if it is a mark- collection period, the type of the games we prepared should consider about the mark given. Consequently, the game they play will like win once then get one mark instead of play the game without any mark given. Then if like this, what kind of game we should prepared for this section? Crossword-Puzzle, word –selection game or role –play game?

So game masters, give your own opinions about the station game


SuChing said...

I think for station game part, it should be mark-gaining, because we have prepared prizes for them who won the station games.

It doesn't matter what types of game we should include in, as long as the game is interactive and meaningful then it should be fine. As for the mark-gaining, we can modified the rules of games so that they can compete and gain the marks.

However, for the games in the station game, is up to the final decision of those session PICs whether what kind of games that they wish to conduct. You have to ask them for confirmation.

Teacher Fatima said...

Hi, Chen Jing,

I think that you should send the game you have first. If the PIC chose your game, she will decide about the marks given to the game and how they are given if you have doubts. If you referred to my game uploaded in the group, you will notice that there is no right or wrong for it but only action consequences, so I wrote that the PIC mark each "END" according to how good it is and write the marks on the "END" card


kubra said...

Hi Chen Jing. ı think you can make a decision with your group members. and PIC can maybe help to modify it. what ı know is ya females are more than male students. we can only decidede how many boys and girls will be in a group according to the target game.