Friday, November 30, 2012

Ice Breaking and 1st slot Games

Dear all, so after the registration we will start with the ice breaking games which takes around 25-30 mins :) Hope you guys read the document I uploaded in the Language Camp. PIC: Qila and Lin Han.

Then followed by the 1st slot games (20 mins each)

Game 1: Word Guessing
Refer to Habe's doc
PIC: Habe

Game 2: Telephone Line
Refer to Rizaini's doc
PIC: Ruzaini

Game 3: Fatima's game - Still waiting for Fatima's doc. Will update you guys later.
PIC: Fatima

*PIC, you may get other facis' help to conduct the games.

Stationery Updates

So, the stationery that we have applied last week is now in my room. I get it from the faculty office this morning.
What we have get are:
  1. Mahjong paper : 15 pieces
  2. A4 paper : 2 rims 
  3. 2B pencil : 7 boxes
  4. Marker pen : 2 boxes
  5. Masking tape: 2
Although the amount is slightly differ from what we have applied, however I think the amount of materials that we get now is more than enough.

Finally, to conclude, please use the materials wisely. Thanks.

Discuss about station game

Dear all, besides as a photographer, I got another new job as a facilitator in station game section for this coming language camp. My job is to create a game or find a suitable game for this section and play with them.  As considered, each station has 20 minutes for each group since we have 40 fresh students attend this language camp. But, how many of them are male and how many of them are female? (I heard that girls are more than boys)
So in this section they will divide into 5 teams and each of the team will contain with eight people. Then I want you guys’ ideas about how to distribute them.
- How many boys or girls in one group?
-Will they have a team leader in per group?

Otherwise, I also want to know the rules in the station game section, it that a mark –collection period? That means each group play the game to gain the marks for their purpose and make them more competitive?

Or they only play the game for win and enjoy without the mark given?  I ‘m a kinda or blur in this boundary? Because if it is a mark- collection period, the type of the games we prepared should consider about the mark given. Consequently, the game they play will like win once then get one mark instead of play the game without any mark given. Then if like this, what kind of game we should prepared for this section? Crossword-Puzzle, word –selection game or role –play game?

So game masters, give your own opinions about the station game

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Friday meeting

Salam and Hi everyone.

We decided to meet you guys on this coming Friday 7th to brief you about the flow and a quick dry run for the games so that everyone will have clear understanding on how the game should be conducted. We will inform you about the place later.

what is left to buy???

Good evening everyone

        As you all know, we may still need to buy few things or materials depending on what are we going to get from the faculty tomorrow. So I really need to know two things before I can buy anything. First, all PIC, please make a list of what we need depending on the games you choose. Second, please send your list to Su Ching so she can decide what we already have and what we still need to buy. Third, please Su Ching, send me the list of the things I need to buy only so I can go out and buy them by maximum Friday next week.
        I am asking you Su Ching because as I can see you are the one applying and receiving the stationery
Thank you in advance  

Station Games

Dear all,

it is just a week away from our language camp, I am getting anticipated, hope the same goes to you guys! =)

For our team, we have just had a discussion yesterday and confirmed most of the games of language camp. Thanks for all the station masters who sent their games. Station masters, the next step will be submitting the proper trainer's document (the format given by Mr Ghazali) by this Sunday as we need it for printing urgently.

First of all, we would like to apologise as we are selecting the games without much discussion with you all due to the limited time. However, the games were selected based on:
1. The duration for the game (only 20 minutes each)
2. Level of the game (due to the time, preferably simple and meaningful game)
3. The review of all the games for the whole day to make sure that there is no repetition of learning outcome and skills. Hope that everyone understand, if you have any questions or doubts, please approach us as soon as possible.

Here are the games that we will play in station games:
1. Anagram and crossword puzzle
2. Who am I?
3. Lady Gaga's box
4. Movie (information gap)
5. I am an artist

Click here for the game outline as well as some feedback for the station masters.
Thanks and hear from you guys soon. Let's keep the ball rolling and make it even faster. =D

Game for Session 3 PIC : Nabila

Hello everyone, for this post, I need you to refer to the previous schedule and PICs post as it is related to what I'm about to post. Okay, for the 3rd session, I would like to post about the game that we, the activity department discussed. The game is inter-related with each other. I need cooperation from the group facis. If you have any questions or problems, you can refer to the PIC of each game. Please take note that for all 3 games, the time allocated is 1 hour.

Session 3 PIC : Nabila

Game : Play with an imaginary object [ PIC : Nabila]
How to play it :
In a group, students will be given an imaginary object (it can be a picture in a paper) to interact with it, and pass it to the person next to them. The person next to them will interact with it, and put it back on the table. They cannot say anything to the person (no verbal or oral interaction). Since we have 8 students in a group, we will pair them up. Therefore, we will have different objects for them.

Game : Sentence at a time - storytelling [PIC : Ka Mun]
How to play it :
The goal of the game is to tell a story one sentence at a time. At the beginning of the sentence, students will be given the same sentence and they need to continue the sentence making it a story. The interesting part is, they have to integrate at least 3 words from the object of the game before.

Game : Narrating a story [PIC : Ainul]
How to play it :
We need two people to play this game. One person narrates while the other person acts. We will have variation for this game. Also, since we have 8 students per group, 4 students will narrate and the other 4 will act out. Later, they will switch role. This game is related with the first two game.

Sketch and preparation
For the preparation and sketch, the time allocated is 2 hours. For this slot, all group facis are needed to be in-charge of their group and guide them. We will brief you about your roles face to face this week.

Changes, Please Take Note =)

I have discussed with Su Ching ( the PIC for Printing), so based on her advise, I need to prepare the programme booklet and send it for printing. We might need 40-45 copies (estimation). Apart of that, other documents too. So, I would like the change the date of compilation. Activity unit and Director please take note, I need the documents i have asked initially by coming Monday ( 3rd Dec 2012). In order to avoid any unpleasant incidents. SO, GIRLS and GUY please take note of it. Thank you.

Programme Booklet Printing

Hey guys, previously I told to Habe and Fatima that we can print for free if we have the approval letters at the photocopy centre at SUB building. And I have confirmed with them, and they said yes we can print it for free at a printing room beside post office.

However, based on my experience (dealing this case), the printing process is time-consuming, they take days to help us print. So, as a reminder, please standardize the content of the booklet by Sunday, so that we can print it on Monday, and hopefully we can get the booklet by Friday (7/12).

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Hello Everyone. As we decided in the classroom, hampers will be given to the students. The number of students will be 10  + 10 so total 20 students. This weekend, I will go the cheapest shop to buy the things for hamper. Here, I would like to ask your opinion about what to include inside hamper. Here, ı need actually local students’ help because you are more familiar  with the hamper more than us. I have already something in my mind but still want to get your opinion. Maybe there is something special that I have to include ? Can you recommend the things to be included since you are familiar with it ?

Help is Needed

Hello Everyone! I am glad with our progression so far. But, now we have to move faster as we have only one weekend for our Language Camp 2012! Actually, I need all of your help once again. I hope everyone will be aware that for our language camp, we have to prepare Programme Booklet, Faci's Manual, Evaluation Form. In order to complete these, I need :

1) Finalized Tentative of programme ( From Activity unit)

2) Director's speech ( From Director)

3) Finalized list of games + Its Trainers' Document (From Activity unit)

I wish all of you could pass these documents to me on 6th December 2012, (Thursday); 6pm. I want the finalized works only. The person in charge kindly take note of it. You may refer to the previous documents in our "Language Camp FB group" to complete your tasks. Cooperation needed ladies and gentleman !

Thank you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Facilitators should:
  1. communicate with fellow facilitators in a friendly manner. 
  2. provide well made documents of the program to the students. 
  3. facilitate with enthusiasm and passion. 
  4. give clear and concise instruction. 
  5. follow the procedure for implementing games in the classroom. 
  6. ensure all students are participating.

For the station game:
The students need to finish the task at each station to get marks, so we need make sure the game in each station should not be overlapped. And before our station game, do we need to specify the certain language item we focus on in the game, or any input we need to give them?
My ideas about the station game: information hunt game which need the students to find certain information/clues  in certain area and then they need to combine all the information/clue to figure out the answer. The information/clue may be hided in certain area or hold by certain people(our faci), they need to search for it or they may need some questions to the faci to get the clue.
by the way, the station game has 2 hours, so for each station game, how many minutes should we prepare?
bad alert...ktf college cancel our reservation of the hall as they said they are going to renovate the hall...i insist that we already confirm the hall but the pic said they need to cancel it to follow the date that the builder can work on their renovation..i already asked ktr,ktho,ktdi,ktc,kdse, krp and fp seminar room once again to book their hall and only kdse and ktdi will be available on the date..staff in ktdi said that the chance of getting the hall is slim as the principle is not generous enough to give our small group the hall..the only left is kdse hall...but i will try to apply from both college..sorry guys..any idea on any where else can we organise the camp?

Monday, November 26, 2012

Schedule and PICs

Hi everyone ! I'm going to post the schedule and PIC's for our language camp. There are 3 session and each session will be in-charged by either Ainul, Ka Mun or Nabila. *I will be updating a spreadsheet and share the link later*

Session 1 PIC : Ainul
8 - 8.30 AM : Registration    [PIC : Luk Jing & Su Ching]
8.30 - 9 AM : Ice Breaking   [PIC : Qila & Lin Han (design & conduct)]
9 - 10 AM    : 1st Game Slot [ PIC : Group faci (conduct) & Fatima, Habe & Ruzaini (design)]

 Session 2 PIC : Ka Mun
10 - 10.30 AM      : Break
10.30 - 12.30 PM : Station Game [PIC : Ling Yao, Su Ching, Quby, Janjan, Luk Jing & Chen Jing (design
                                                     & conduct)]
12.30 - 1.30 PM   : Lunch & Prayer

Session 3 PIC : Nabila
1.30 - 2.30 PM : 4th Game                   [PIC : Nabila, Ka Mun & Ainul]
2.30 - 4.30 PM : Sketch & Preparation [PIC : Nabila, Ka Mun, Ainul & group faci]
4.30 - 5 PM      : Closing

List of facilitators :
1. Habe                    7. Fatima
2. Su Ching               8. Luk Jing
3. Qila                       9. Ling Yao
4. Ruzaini                 10. Chen Jing
5. Quby                    11. Lin Han
6. Janjan

Emcee           : Nabila
Photographer : Chen Jing & Su Ching
Time Keeper  : Qila

Ice Breaking

Hi every, since me and qila got the new job last Wednesday, now both of us will take over the ice breaking section as well. Me and qila already had discussion about the games we wanna play for the ice breaking section, and we come out with the game played by Mr G. As i recall, this is a simple game and only a little preparation are required. The only question is the numbers of students, because we need to divide groups as soon as possible. Any detail about the game, please read qila's post there!   

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Approval Letter for Language Camp V2

Quite a late update from me but here it goes.

Continuation from my previous post >here<:-

14/11 - Luk Jing managed to meet with Timbalan Pendaftar of FP and received the 'oral' approval from him personally.

16/11 - The approval letter was ready but LJ was not available to collect it from FP Office.

19/11 - Luk Jing collected the approval letter from FP Office and transferred it to Ruzaini.

19/11 - Ruzaini managed to book the KTF Hall as the venue of our Language Camp.

Thanks to Ruzani and Habe for their help with the approval letter application. Now we're able to do all sorts of wonderful things with the approval letter. Yeah~ =)


Great to see some people are getting busy preparing for the language camp. Looking forward to read reports from the others.

Be professional. Be nice to everybody.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Slides+Music+Ice Breaking Games

Hi all,


Since Lin Han and Me are going to take care of the technical parts, who is going to do the slides and music for the day? If you guys are okay, I can just gather all the slides. For the music, we can play any songs that you guys wanna hear and put it as a background music while we are playing the games.

2) Ice Breaking Games

We have decided to play 2 games for the ice breaking. First is to divide them into groups. This is done according to themes. I will explain further when we meet in the class. Or perhaps later on we can upload it some where. For this we will only need some paper. I can just use my own. So no budget needed.

Second, we will play the game that Mr G introduce to us. Remember the first day of language game class? We played a game which we need to rotate and introduce ourselves. So we choose that game for the ice breaking. This also do not need any budgeting.

So, that's all for now. ^^

Friday, November 23, 2012

Salam everyone

        As already stated by Su Ching, to apply for stationery through faculty office, we needed to prepare some documents for the application. Since I am responsible for the budget, I had to come up with estimation of all the money we need to spend and on what to spend it. It turned out to be really confusing to estimate the prices here and also to know what things I am supposed to include in the budget. Many thanks to Habelasha for her help in preparing the paper. Also thanks to Su Ching for submitting the paperwork and help.
        However, the total of the budget is RM 208.40 including the money we collected of course. I hope that we can get everything soon.

First Game of Language Camp 2012

Hi Fatima and Ruzaini ! Three of us have been selected to design one of the games in Language camp. The time allocated for our game is 30 minutes. We have to propose our game to PIC Ka Mun by coming Sunday ( 25th November 2012). When shall we begin the discussion? We need to move fast as it involves some procedures. We need to propose to Ka Mun, then maybe Mr.Ghazali  and our course mates as they would wish to comment on it. Later, after the designed game is being approved, we have to prepare the materials, brief the facilitators...It seems time consuming and we do not have much time left. I wish three of us could come into an agreement to do the discussion sooner. Thank you. =)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

‎[Stationery Application]

I have asked the PIC of the Stationery Department and they requested us to apply stationery through faculty office. Which means, the faculty will help us get the stationery from the department.
The document needed for this application is the paperwork (including budget with the number of delegates) and approval letter from faculty.

We have to act fast as the PIC told me that the procedure is quite time-consuming.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

LUNCH section ?

Hey guys i wonder, how the lunch section is going to be are gonna provide lunch to students or everyone is going to help themselves :). Emmm if we are going to provide lunch are we going to get any money from Faculty ? in anyway how the lunch section is going to be handled?


As we discussed in the class me and Kubi we are going toprepare 2 hampers for 20 people divided 10 by 10 and for we are going toprepare the handmade bracelet made by thread for 5 active students. Here is the question since 5 active students going to be chosen we don’t know the gender and the colors for the bracelets should be suitable for both male and female.Thus I am gonna go for 3 colors each of bracelets consists of two colors and going to make more than 5 pieces since we will have enough thread any suggestion for the colors for sure one should be black considering male students… So what do you think? 

Here is some models please suggest about the model :) open the specific pic and share the link in your comment as suggestion.

Take Care Of Your Own Belongings

As the person who in charge of the technical, we gonna face a lot of problems such as finding the pen-drives on that day. And because of the equipment we going to use are the laptops, pen-drives, cameras, different teaching aids etc. So we really need to keep our own personal belonging safe and well located. Furthermore, for me and qila, we are going to run errand on that day, so in order to help you guys to get want you want immediately, please take care you own personal belonging. 

Here are my suggestions of this issue:

  1. If you cannot take care of your own belongings, please let others know and ask them to keep an eye on it.
  2. If you pick up anything which is not belong to you, please try to give it back to the owner as soon as possible.
  3. Please mark you own belongings if there is a possibility of forget to take or wrong taken.
  4. Keep your personal belongings away from the children, in case that the little kids maybe will take your belongings just for fun.
  5. Keep the valuables always with you to avoiding the happen of wrong taken or lose. 

Monday, November 19, 2012


Guys, are you excited to know about agenda of the day? Here it goes

Be a game designer!!!
Referring to the agenda, each of us get the chance to design a game for the language camp. It can the the games that we played before or any other games that is suitable to the duration and group size.

Do fill in you name in the spreadsheet, Language Camp 2012 by 21st, Nov (Wed) for the slot that you would like to in charge. Each of us need to fill in our name once in any of the yellow box, while the pink box is optional. The session coordinator will approach you soon for further briefing. Stay tuned! =D

Besides, we are opening the opportunity for 10 persons to become the group faci!
But....... how?
As long as you do not have any specific role throughout the camp, leave your name here and the first 10 person will get the chance. =)


Salam & Hi Everyone

  Since we already divided the prizes,
  •   A prize for the game
  •  A prize for the sketch
  •   Three prizes for  active participants
 I would like to ask about the grand prize. Although I have got the idea about the grand prizes, I still would like to get your idea as well,  just for the GRAND PRIZE. It may help us more or we can switch the ideas.Would you prefer to give ready prizes or handmade prizes?  

What kind of prizes can have the following  features?
  •  Always remind our language camp to the person
  • Be used 
  • Be cheap
Let’s Get Started .... :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Recruit Registration

Hi all there, this is LIN HAN. For program of language camp, during the process of language camp, i will work together with qila as a team of technical. And just like qila posted before, my job is run the errands and to make sure every procedure in that day can proceed as all of us planed. So in order to enhance the fluent of the camp and also to keep both me and qila's work going well, here's some tips for all of you guys:

1. Please list down the necessary equipment or teaching aids ahead of schedule to let us do the preparation. 

2. Before the presentation, please do the double check together with us to make sure everything is ready.

3. Find us immediately when the emergency happen, we will try our best to help you guys!   

Committee of Language Camp 2012

Hai Ladies and Gentleman,
Here I would like to announce the latest Committee of Language Camp. I have made slight changes on our previous committee. Hope all of you could take note on this. I would like to apologize for the delayed post. I was busy with other tasks. Hope everyone could bear with me. Last but not least, I wish all of us could perform our task efficiently. At the same time, please do help others when they request you to do it even it is not under your job scope. Cooperation is needed from everyone. So, let’s rock it together guys!

Committee of Language Camp:
Main Committee:
Advisor                                               :Mr.Ghazali bin Bunari
Director                                              : Mohd Ruzaini Bin Abdul Aziz
Vice .Director                                     : Luk Jing
Secretary                                            :  Habelasha Karthikeyan
Treasurer                                            : Fatima Al Nagdi
Technical                                            : Nadzirah Aqilah & Lin Han
Protocol & Activity                            : Nabila Johari , Og Ka Mun, Ainul Athirah 
 Security and Delegate Servicing         : Cheah Su Ching & Ling Yao
Souvenirs                                            : Bircan & Kubra
Photographer                                      : Chen Jing

Friday, November 16, 2012

Games, games and games :D

Salam and hi buns :) 

Since me, Nabila and Ka Mun are responsible for the games, so we will prepare all the games to be played during the camp. I'm thinking of collecting all the games you guys used in the language games class and see whether they are appropriate for the university students. If they are appropriate, that's good and if not, perhaps we can alter the contents of the games to suit the university students' level. Besides that, we are going to come out with our own games and posted here so that we can get feedback from all of you :) We will try our best to come out with games that do not require lots of materials.

If you have any suggestions for the games, do share with us. We would like to hear your opinion ;)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Security and delegate servicing

Hey guys, Su Ching here. Same with Ling Yao, since there is no any specific tasks for external affairs, so Ruzaini has came out with security tasks for us.

Maybe people might wonder what is this task all about. Like Ling Yao explained to us, besides we checking the safeness of the equipment, we also will check on the venue as well, with the hope that our language camp will conducted smoothly without any accident happen.

So, for the activity planners, you have to inform us whether you will come with any language games that will involve any physical movement, or any outdoor, so that at least we can apply first aid box from UTM Health Centre.

Other than that, me and Ling Yao have another task, that is delegate servicing. The main task of it is to interact with participants and answer enquiries of participant in joining our camp, and also registration. So me and Ling Yao will get the name list from Mr. G for the registration purpose.

So is there better suggestion for us?

Thanks and have a nice day.

Gifts Budget

Salam everyone and happy new year

----Since you all didn’t object on the ideas we already discussed, I’ll consider that you girls and boy agree that we will have:
1. One prize for the winner group of the games
2. One prize for the winner group of sketch competition
3. Three Prizes for the most active students
4. Sweets or stickers (only if the budget was enough so it is up to Bircan and Kubra)


----My advice as the treasurer to you girls is to settle the grand prize, sketch prize and three individual prizes for the active students first. The prizes should not be very simple since they are for adults and not expensive, so please try to get CHEAP and MEANINGFUL prizes as possible. After you are done with these, you can buy sweets or stickers depending on the amount of money left if there is any of course.

----Since we can apply for the paper and other stuff from the faculty, the money allocated for the prizes is RM50. If we finished the materials with cost less than RM20, the money will be transferred to buy gifts. However, consider ONLY RM50 for now.

PS/ you still need to pay me first of course on the 20th Nov. 

see you all soon