Thursday, October 18, 2012

Online Entry 10%

I need a platform to monitor the progress of our English Language Camp scheduled on 8 Dec. 2012. I am choosing this group blog platform for its transparency. From here, we can see who's doing what and what needs to be done.

To students of SHL 3652:
Your participation here will be rewarded, 10 marks. How do you get the marks?

  1. Post 5 entries about your contribution to the English Language Camp project. Each entry should have at least 100 words.
  2. Each entry will earn you 1 mark.
  3. 4 entries should be posted prior to the camp and one, after the camp.
  4. Each comment (more than 20 words) received from your classmate also worth 1 mark.

In short, post 5 entries and collect 5 comments, and you'll receive 10 marks.

All entries must be posted before Dec. 19, 2012


Lin Han said...
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kubra said...

Hello my dear classmates, as you all know we have discussed regarding the English Language Game last week and we divided the jobs among us. I would like you to post the jobs through blog as well. Then it will be more clear that we will know what we will do. As we decided me and bircan is responsible of buying the presents for the students. However, we have not discussed what to do and what to but or how to arrange our budget and how much money we need. So I would like to get your ideas regarding the presents. What would we do for students in terms of rewarding them? Please share your recommendation with us…

Teacher Fatima said...

I think that would be after we decide on the total number of students and the amount of money we have, which will be decided after we submit our proposal and get our reply. By reply I mean how much money they are willing to give us (faculty or people in charge).

LING YAO said...

In my opinion, the present for the students should be something useful for them.
Such as some pencils, pen or notes with cute cover etc.

However, as Fatima said, we need to wait the reply first. We can decide which kind of gifts can buy as soon as we know how much money we can get.

SuChing said...

Due to some changes in our language camp plan, so the souvenir and gift stuffs have to be discussed later. Anyway, if you guys think of want to give every students pencils and pen, or notes, you can apply from HEMA using approval letter, we can get the stationery free.

JANJAN said...

i think firstly we should know approximate number of participants and come up with games. Then we can proceed the other steps. i agree with SuChing may be we can get stationary fee from them and prepare better souvenirs.

Chen Jing_Cest La Vie said...
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Chen Jing_Cest La Vie said...

Yes, for present i got an idea. Does anyone knows about time capsule ? Time capsules are placed with the intention that they will be opened or accessed at a future date. people put their personal things or small notes about their ideals into a small container called "Time capsule"and bury it, after several years past, people open that container to find their memories of the past. Is there has any possible to made a time capsule and ask students to put their ideals through writing the short note and throw into it.

For my part, it is means a lot for them and significant. They can open the time capsule when the graduate from that school. For the studnets, they can check whether they achieve their goals or not.
The students may feel interesting and fresh for the unusual thing. Otherwise, it can be a motivation to push them to study harder in the future.

Unknown said...

Hmm. Meaning that we need to update every single stuff regarding language camp here. Alrighty. Will do that. Thank you for the heads up !

Luk Jing said...

Hi Nabila, this is the comments section for Mr Ghazali's post. Better make your blog posts out there under the sun.

Everyone, don't post here anymore hihi. :))))