
Thursday, March 29, 2007


There are few things that need to be improved:
1. punctuality- apply for facilitators and participants
2. make full use of what we have prepared- use the participants manual and participants manual as a
    point    reference. not instruct but facilitate
4. facilitators are adviced not to join the activities conducted...=)
5. instructions and speech given should be loud, clear, simple and short with no grammatical error..

Lots of things to be highlighted!
1. the facilitators are energetic and friendly
2. the facilitators are helpful and support each other eventhough they are damn tired of hiking the hill
3. no conflict occur
4. the flow of activities is great. the participants follow the program well.
5. the riddles (especially fire hunter) are able to refresh  and boost the mood of the participants
6. the opening ceremony was quite well arranged until we went outside the seminar room. but things
    improved on the next 2 days...!
7. the closing ceremony was well conducted. Gimic from "happening" facilitator.
8. the food is nice.. and no bad injuries...
9. the use of 'friend' to participants was a really good idea..

The fish are biting.
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  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    the use of "friends"?
    that was my idea..haha.just want to take the credit.hehe
    hei! i agree with the gimmicks done by jaja, anim n pia. it was cool.hehe..about fire hunters, thanks to ana. but i think ana got it from SRM. maybe..lalalala

  2. Anonymous8:10 PM

    tq miss director for ur remarkable efforts...(";")
    because of good preparation we do not have many difficulties there, we just having fun and enjoy ourselves,..hehe..

  3. Anonymous8:22 PM

    4.Facilitators are adviced not to join the activities conducted...=)
    *really hard to restrain myself not to join the activities.I was jealoused watching the participants having fun and I felt I need to join them to keep myself from fell asleep.huhu......

  4. Anonymous11:04 PM

    hai miss director,
    i'm agree with you that fire hunter can refresh and boost up all the participants. i really want to play the game but all the facilitators must do our job for treasure hunt session. huhu..


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